Growing up with two men who have convinced themselves that they are gay would be a horror for anyone, for children is is clearly child abuse.
Children connect to their parents mentally, as the brain is designed for, to survive and develop properly. When there is no mother in the family, just two deluded men, what is there to bond with?
The Russians were perfectly correct in stopping adoptions to the US for exactly this reason.
I hope that there can be some clarity is what is and what isn't considered a proper environment for children to grow up in.
My opinion is that dogs are not wise to have around children, because they also mentally connect to children, and the level of inbreeding of dogs and training will influence the development of children.
This also is the reason why children should never grow up in the city, because they will be disturbed by and disturb other people mentally.
People seem to be forced to bring up their kids in the city, because jews created this monetary enslavement system where humans adapt to whatever the jews say is 'culture's based on its value in terms of money, rather than creating an environment where children can develop undisturbed, in the countryside, forests or just outside of the city, not surrounded by others in proximity than mainly their own family.
I hope that people see the detriment that the jewish culture creates, if not only for themselves, than at least for their prospects of having a healthy family.