Experts:'' "SHUT DOWN FARMS" - New H1N1 "Pandemic Potential" - Your Chickens are Deadly and IllegalAn all-out attack on (and replacement of) our food systems is part of the Great Reset: after mandatory testing of farm workers "discovered" many positives, advocates are now calling for the "complete shut down of agricultural production in Ontario." After warning for months that this would be the mechanism used to create food shortages, Christian breaks down this amazing development.
It All Starts With Mandatory Masks, Prevent. STAND.
China passes sweeping HK security law, heralding authoritarian era
Beijing on Tuesday unveiled new national security laws for Hong Kong that will punish crimes of secession, subversion, terrorism and collusion with foreign forces with up to life in prison, heralding a more authoritarian era for Chinaโs freest city.
In this thread, I'll explain the 4 categories of offences under the new national security law, just gazetted into law in Hong Kong: secession, subversion, terrorism and collusion with foreign forces.
(1) Secession: Anyone attempting to separate HK from China, or to illegally change the legal status of HK, or to transfer HK to a foreign country's admin, faces a maximum of life imprisonment, if considered "masterminds". Those who "actively" participate face 3-10 yrs in jail
(2) Subversion: Anyone seeking to "overthrow or disrupt" PRC's "foundational system" (i.e. one-party rule), PRC's regime or HK's regime, faces a max of life imprisonment. Again, active participants face 3-10 yrs behind bars
(3) Terrorism: defined as (i) serious bodily violence, (ii) explosion, arson, dispersal of toxic, radioactive, infectious diseases (iii) disruption of public transport (iv) interference with utilities and (v) seriously endangering public health. Max sentence life imprisonment and confiscation of property. Promotion of terrorism punishable by 5-10yrs in prison
(4) Collusion with foreign forces: defined as steal, collect, or buy state secrets or intelligence related to national security; pleading with foreign countries/ non-Chinese organisations/people to (i) wage war against PRC / (ii) seriously interfere w/ HK's policymaking. (iii) manipulate/disrupt election results in HK / (iv) impose sanctions against HK/China / (v) fuel hatred among HK people against PRC/HK govts thru illegal means. All of the above: life imprisonment max
In Steve Quayles Encyclopedia of giants this chart is pictured.
We are the result of genetic alteration for sex/work many centuries ago for the GODS. The GODS to us were just much larger Humanoids. IE: Giants.
Our real History is beyond anything you could imagine.
Gravity is Freemason Science.
Density and Buoyancy = Gravity.
Aether is was changed over the last 200 years. a lack of energy we can use for electricty, missing.
They aren't stupid, they're communists.
This dude has balls wearing a pink shirt holding a weapon against an advancing MOB.
lol.. I meant, they appear to be stupid to us for what they do, but, their purpose is deliberate.