Anonymous ID: 5d03dc July 1, 2020, 10:16 a.m. No.9813449   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3472 >>3570 >>3668 >>3679 >>3753 >>3788 >>3833 >>3834 >>3885

OUTRAGEOUS: Last Week Judge Emmet Sullivan Was Ordered to Dismiss General Flynn Case – What the Hell is this Corrupt Judge Waiting For?!?!!


A week ago today the DC Appeals Court dropped all charges against General Michael Flynn Case!


The Appeals Court ordered:


President Trump weighed in almost immediately!


Judge Sullivan and his Deep State attorneys argued that the government could charge you, hide evidence, fine you and bankrupt you AFTER charges from the government were dropped due to massive corruption identified in the made up case.


After the government ended their case and the defense for Flynn agreed to end the case, corrupt Judge Sullivan obtained attorneys who previously represented corrupt Deep State DAG Sally Yates.


On May 11, 2020, John Gleeson penned a Washington post article titled, “The Flynn case isn’t over until the judge says it’s over“. This was published in the far left Washington Post – John Gleeson also represented despicable deep state heroine Sally Yates.


Another Sally Yates attorney signed the amicus along with Gleeson that was sent to the Circuit Court. David O’Neil – the attorney for Sally Yates – assisted in Sullivan’s amicus.


General Flynn was lied to, set up multiple times before and after the Trump inauguration, excessively and to the point of illegally unmasked, targeted, ambushed in the White House, falsely accused, threatened with his son being indicted, provided corrupt legal counsel (the same firm where corrupt Obama former AG Eric Holder works), harassed for 3 years, belittled, slandered, besmirched by the judge, harassed by the judge, and then the attorneys going after him were the same attorneys who represented the corrupt Sally Yates who lied and told President Trump General Flynn lied.


We reported yesterday that Flynn was targeted by the Obama Administration and John Brennan. Flynn was going to audit the CIA and the Intel Community because General Flynn knew the Obama Administration was running billions off the books (i.e. they were hiding their corrupt activities in the billions of dollars).

The Obama gang is doing all they can to prevent General Flynn from outing their massive corruption. Corrupt Judge Sullivan is helping them. Judge Sullivan needs to be put in jail. The case has ended and it should be ended formally – NOW!

Anonymous ID: 5d03dc July 1, 2020, 10:18 a.m. No.9813471   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3570 >>3679 >>3700 >>3834 >>3846 >>3885

End of CHAZ: Seattle police arrest remaining protesters after mayor orders violence-plagued encampment to shut down


Seattle police have begun clearing out the so-called “autonomous zone” created by Black Lives Matter protesters. Those who refused to vacate the area have been arrested, the police force said.


A live feed showed the remaining protesters attempting to hold their ground near the East Precinct, which was abandoned by security forces last month. Police say 23 arrests were made.


Officers can be heard advising demonstrators to leave the barricaded encampment around the Capitol Hill neighborhood, known as CHAZ and CHOP, or face detention.


Mayor Jenny Durkan had earlier issued a public safety emergency order to vacate the area. Police Chief Carmen Best said in a statement that her officers were moving in after “weeks of violence” in and around the protest zone.


Since its formation on June 8, the camp saw four shootings that resulted in multiple injuries and two deaths.


“The CHOP has become lawless and brutal. Four shootings – two fatal – robberies, assaults, violence and countless property crimes have occurred in this several block area,” Best wrote. She stressed that her department would work with demonstrators to “build trust” and “begin meaningful dialogue about reenvisioning public safety in our community.”


Durkan had sent heavy machinery to remove concrete barricades set up around the zone by protesters, after a group of demonstrators rallied outside her residence. The mayor also called for a probe of a city council member, who allegedly leaked her private address to protesters.

Anonymous ID: 5d03dc July 1, 2020, 10:21 a.m. No.9813496   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3505 >>3508 >>3518 >>3570 >>3650 >>3679 >>3834 >>3885

NYC Mayor De Blasio Defends Ban on Religious Gatherings, Says Black Lives Matter Protests OK Because of ‘Profound Meaning’


Christians and Jews are being openly persecuted against in the United States while Black Lives Matter militants are given special treatment.


There is zero equality under the law.


This is pure Marxism.


NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio on Wednesday defended his decision to ban religious gatherings while allowing Black Lives Matter militants and Antifa domestic terrorists to raise hell in the streets.


“The protests were an entirely different reality, a national phenomenon, that was not something that the government could just say ‘go away’ — it’s something that came from the grassroots… [they] obviously had profound meaning…” said De Blasio.


“It’s really apples and oranges,” he added.


Got that? Only one group of approved people have 1st Amendment rights in de Blasio’s New York.

Anonymous ID: 5d03dc July 1, 2020, 10:23 a.m. No.9813513   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3570 >>3679 >>3834 >>3885

Gun-lover & presumed QAnon-believer unseats 5-term Colorado congressman in Republican primary upset


Lauren Boebert, a mother of four with outspoken views on guns and fringe internet theories, has uprooted Colorado Rep. Scott Tipton. Her primary victory is part of a larger political insurgency taking shape across the country.


An unapologetic political outsider, Boebert was declared the winner of Colorado’s 3rd congressional district Republican primary on Wednesday. Tipton, the incumbent, had served five terms in Congress and was endorsed by Donald Trump. Apparently unbothered by her victory, the president took to Twitter to congratulate Boebert on her “really great win.”


Boebert’s colorful political ads and staunchly conservative platform made her a popular target of praise – and mockery – on social media. In one campaign video, she explains that she is raising her four sons to be “strong men” and will not allow them to grow up in a “socialist” nation.


“Their freedom IS my motivator! Threaten the liberty of Americans, and I’ll be there to hold you accountable!” reads her tweet.


In 2019, she grabbed headlines after attending a rally of then-Democratic presidential hopeful Beto O’Rourke, during which she told him: “I was one of the gun-owning Americans who heard you speak regarding your ‘Hell yes, I’m going to take your AR-15s and AK-47s.’ Well, I’m here to say, ‘Hell no you’re not.’” Boebert, a fierce gun advocate, is the owner of Shooters Grill in Rifle, Colorado. The cafe is famous for its armed waitresses and encourages patrons to also pack heat.


She has also publicly stated her belief in the internet ‘QAnon’ theory, which alleges that Trump has an elaborate plan to dismantle the ‘Deep State’. She said that she “hoped” the theory is true because “it only means America is getting stronger and better and people are returning to conservative values.”

Anonymous ID: 5d03dc July 1, 2020, 10:26 a.m. No.9813542   🗄️.is 🔗kun

200 Arrested As Thousands Of Hong Kongers Protest New 'National Security' Law


Update (1100ET): Secretary of State Mike Pompeo slammed China's new security law as a "contravention" of Hong Kong's constitution.


"…the rule of law has been eviscerated, and as always, the Chinese Communist Party is afraid of its own people above all else." He added that the law could compromise the security of foreigners in Hong Kong, including Americans who live and work there, by making them technically liable for prosecution by a Chinese 'rule-by-law' not 'rule-of-law' court.


Pompeo reiterated the administration's agenda for retaliation: sanctions on individuals involved in detention of Muslims in Xinjiang, and, most importantly, the revocation of Hong Kong's special status, which is coming. He also compared China with Venezuela and Iran over its arrest of the two Canadian "mikes".


    • *


Update (0915ET): According to Reuters, the number of Hong Kongers arrested during Wednesday's protest has climbed to roughly 200, up from the 2 arrests we reported earlier.


Police arrested nearly 200 people on Wednesday as protesters took to the streets in defiance of sweeping security legislation, the details of which were revealed late last night as President Xi signed it into law. Wednesday's gathering happens to coincide with an annual rally marking the anniversary of HK's handover to China in 1997, a fitting backdrop as Hong Kongers express their preference for the values of the British.


Officials had cancelled the annual rally due to the coronavirus, but tens of thousands came out anyway, including thousands of young people and students.


"I'm scared of going to jail but for justice I have to come out today, I have to stand up," said one 35-year-old man who gave his name as Seth.


Earlier on Wednesday, police cited the law for the first time as they confronted the protesters.


"You are displaying flags or banners/chanting slogans/or conducting yourselves with an intent such as secession or subversion, which may constitute offences under the…national security law," police said.


Police shared photos with an officer with a bleeding arm saying he was stabbed by "rioters holding sharp objects."


Meanwhile, in Beijing, Zhang Xiaoming, executive deputy director of Beijing’s Hong Kong and Macau Affairs Office, told reporters that the suspects arrest today could be tried on the mainland (though he stopped short of declaring that this would definitely happen). He also described the new security law as a "birthday gift" to Hong Kong.


    • *


Update (0700ET): SCMP reports that British Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab has just finished outlining a plan to allow Hong Kongers to relocate to the UK and become British citizens.



Anonymous ID: 5d03dc July 1, 2020, 10:29 a.m. No.9813579   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3600 >>3605 >>3679 >>3834 >>3885

Godless Chris Cuomo Uses CNN Soapbox to Tell Americans They Don’t Need God


This is CNN. Godless fake news.


CNN host Chris Cuomo told Americans last night they don’t need God.


Godless Fredo.

Anonymous ID: 5d03dc July 1, 2020, 10:32 a.m. No.9813591   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3640 >>3834 >>3885

'She's much better at not being PM': Theresa May stuns social media with outburst over govt's security adviser choice


Ex-PM Theresa May’s name trended on Twitter after she gave her brutal verdict on the UK government’s decision to hand the national security adviser post to someone with no expertise, with minister Michael Gove in her firing line.


On Tuesday, Cabinet Office Minister Gove came to the House of Commons to defend the appointment of British PM Boris Johnson’s chief EU negotiator David Frost to the key role of national security adviser (NSA). Gove was promptly subjected to a severe dressing-down by his former boss.


An infuriated May rose to her feet on the Tory backbenches to tell Gove that in the nine years she spent on the National Security Council, she had listened to “expert, independent advice.” However, she claimed that with this move, Johnson was appointing someone with “no proven experience” in the top security role.


On Saturday, Mr Right Honourable Friend [Gove] said we must be able to promote those with ‘proven expertise.’ Why, then, is the new national security adviser a political appointee with no proven expertise in national security?


Gove – looking rather uncomfortable following May’s criticism – defended the decision, insisting that not all national security advisers have been “steeped in the security world” but they were all “excellent” in the role. This drew a disgruntled response from the former Conservative leader, who shook her head at Gove’s answer.

Anonymous ID: 5d03dc July 1, 2020, 10:34 a.m. No.9813618   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3645 >>3679 >>3834 >>3885

Horowitz: More evidence that most coronavirus cases are now weaker than the flu


Milder cases are good news.


Evidence continues to mount that the new infections throughout much of the country are extremely mild, with the exception of some serious cases coming over the border from Mexico. Those two facts continue to be obscured from our policy debate over containing the virus in the southern states. The governors of California, Arizona, and Texas refuse to recognize that the mild nature of these cases is good news going forward, and they continue to ignore the threat of serious cases from the border.


Distinguishing between the two phenomena has become difficult, because the cause of both of them appears to have begun in late May and continued into June, especially in border states, which weren't hard hit to begin with and therefore had little herd immunity to combat a new round of spread. But the timing of these serious cases at the border combined with milder cases in the interior seems to make it clear that we are seeing two distinct waves: the second and mild American wave and the importation of Mexico's first, more serious wave.


In my previous article, I focused on the serious cases coming from the border. That issue appears to be confined to certain hospitals in the border states. What about all other cases throughout the country? They are turning out to be less potent than even the flu.


Increasing evidence that the new wave is mild for most of the country


As I pointed out regarding Florida, cases have been spiking for weeks, yet the deaths and numbers of serious cases are not rising. That dichotomy is perfectly illustrated in this graphic:


Updated US 7-Day Avg CASES vs DEATHS graph which highlights the cases upturn beginning around June 9. The CDC repor…

— Todd Lowdon (@Todd Lowdon)1593556300.0


Also, much of the increase is superficial and illusory because of mass testing, multiple tests to return to work, and people coming back to the hospitals for normal care that was previously suspended. Such patients are automatically tested for the virus, regardless of their reason for admission. It appears that the virus has now spread to younger people but is also milder than it was when it first hit in earnest in March and April.


This reality is borne out by a fascinating data point about positive cases and Hispanic people. As of the week of April 25, according to the CDC, just 12.2% of the cases were among those identified as Hispanic. As of yesterday, 34.4% of all cases were among Hispanics. That is simply astounding. If you peel into some state data, you will find that cases among Hispanics compose 46% in Florida (twice their share of the population), 46% of cases in North Carolina (nearly five times their share of the population), 35% in Tennessee (nearly seven times their share of the population), and 24% of cases in Arkansas (nearly three times their share of the population).

Anonymous ID: 5d03dc July 1, 2020, 10:35 a.m. No.9813628   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3679 >>3834 >>3885

Boston Arts Commission Votes To Remove Abraham Lincoln Statue


The Boston Arts Commission unanimously voted Tuesday to take down the city’s historic Emancipation Memorial after activists demanded the statue’s removal.


The memorial depicts Abraham Lincoln standing with one arm raised over a freed slave crouched on his knees. Broken chains are depicted around the black man’s wrists and the word “emancipation” is written at the statue’s base.


The statue was funded largely by contributions from former slaves, according to WBZ 4.


Boston Mayor Marty Walsh, a Democrat, supported the vote to remove the statue from Boston’s Park Square, according to WBZ4. Walsh was reportedly already considering the statue’s removal.


“As we continue our work to make Boston a more equitable and just city, it’s important that we look at the stories being told by the public art in all of our neighborhoods,” Walsh said in a statement, according to WBZ 4.


“After engaging in a public process, it’s clear that residents and visitors to Boston have been uncomfortable with this statue, and its reductive representation of the Black man’s role in the abolitionist movement. I fully support the Boston Art Commission’s decision for removal and thank them for their work,” Walsh added.


Activists protesting racial inequality across the U.S. have demanded the removal of various historical statues now seen as racist.


Black Lives Matter protesters previously promised to pull down the original Emancipation Memorial in Washington D.C. Friday, though the statue is still standing.


Boston’s memorial is a replica of the Washington D.C. statue and has been standing in Park Square for more than 100 years, according to the Hill.

Anonymous ID: 5d03dc July 1, 2020, 10:36 a.m. No.9813643   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3679 >>3702 >>3780 >>3834 >>3885

Rumors Swirl: Supreme Court Justices Samuel Alito, Clarence Thomas May Retire


Supreme Court Justices Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas may be planning to retire soon, according to rumors in the media Wednesday.


Robert Costa reported in the Washington Post that the Trump administration was preparing for the possible retirement of Justice Clarence Thomas:


Justice Clarence Thomas, a conservative appointed by George H.W. Bush, is privately seen by Trump’s aides as the most likely to retire this year. While Thomas has not given any indication of doing so, the White House and Senate Republicans are quietly preparing for a possible opening, according to a White House official and two outside Trump political advisers who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss the private conversations.


In response to that article, Hugh Hewitt stated on the Hugh Hewitt Show that he did not believe Thomas would retire, but that he had been told Alito was considering retirement.


Hewitt said, as the Washington Examiner reported:


Hewitt suggested he learned this rumor when “people begin working the refs” this time of year.


“I’m hardly a ref, but I got a column in the Washington Post, and so they start working me about, ‘You know this person would be great if Alito quit,'” he said.


Thomas is 72 and Alito is 70 years old.


In addition, liberal justices Justices Stephen Breyer (81) and Ruth Bader Ginsburg (87) are considered candidates for retirement.


Therefore, it is possible that whoever is president for the next four years could have the opportunity to make four Supreme Court appointments.

Anonymous ID: 5d03dc July 1, 2020, 10:37 a.m. No.9813652   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3659 >>3679 >>3732 >>3834 >>3885

Citing racial bias, San Francisco will end mug shots release


San Francisco police say they will stop releasing the mug shots of people who have been arrested unless they pose a threat to the public


Citing racial bias, San Francisco will end mug shots releaseBy OLGA R. RODRIGUEZAssociated PressThe Associated PressSAN FRANCISCO


SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — San Francisco police will stop releasing the mug shots of people who have been arrested unless they pose a threat to the public, as part of an effort to stop perpetuating racial stereotypes, the city’s police chief announced Wednesday.


San Francisco Police Chief Bill Scott said the policy, which goes into effect immediately, means the department will no longer release booking photos of suspects to the media or allow officers to post them online.


Booking photos are taken when someone is arrested. They are often made public whether or not the person is prosecuted for the alleged crime, which undermines the presumption of innocence and helps perpetuate stereotypes.


Jack Glaser, a public policy professor at the University of California Berkeley who researches racial stereotyping and whose work Scott consulted, said data shows Black people who are arrested are more likely to have their cases dismissed by prosecutors.


“That may be just part and parcel of the same issue that police will stop and search Blacks at a lower threshold of suspicion in the first place and so, their arrests are more likely to be unsubstantiated,” Glaser said.


But the mug shots live on.


Numerous websites post photos of mug shots online, regardless of whether anyone was convicted of a crime, and then charge a fee to those who want their photo taken down. The phenomenon prompted California’s attorney general to charge one of the biggest operators with extortion, money laundering, and identity theft.


That contributes to Americans making an unfair association between people of color and crime, Scott said.


“This is just one small step but we hope this will be something that others might consider doing as well,” he said.


Large cities like Los Angeles and New York already have policies against releasing booking photos but make exceptions. For example, the New York Police Department, the nation’s largest, releases information on arrests but doesn’t put out mug shots unless investigators believe that will prompt more witnesses to come forward or aid in finding a suspect. Georgia and New York stopped releasing booking photos in an effort to curtail websites that charge people to remove their picture and booking information.


But San Francisco will be the first to adopt the policy as part of an effort to stop spreading negative stereotypes of minorities, something Scott, who is Black, said he has experienced when not in uniform.

Anonymous ID: 5d03dc July 1, 2020, 10:40 a.m. No.9813692   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3717 >>3719 >>3796 >>3814 >>3877

Tom Hanks Says ‘Don’t Be a P*ssy’: ‘Shame on You’ if You Don’t Wear a Mask


“Shame on you,” says actor Tom Hanks, who thinks you’re a “pussy” if you refuse to wear masks in public as states continue to open up for business amid the coronavirus pandemic.


“Those things are so simple, so easy, if anybody cannot find it in themselves to practice those three very basic things — I just think shame on you,” said Hanks of mask-wearing and social distancing at a recent press conference promoting his new film, Greyhound, according to a report by People. “Don’t be a pussy, get on with it, do your part. It’s very basic. If you’re driving a car, you don’t go too fast, you use your turn signal and you avoid hitting pedestrians. My Lord, it’s common sense.”


The Cast Away star and his wife Rita Wilson tested positive for the coronavirus in March while in Australia. The pair have since recovered.


“There’s really only three things we can do in order to get to tomorrow: Wear a mask, social distance, wash our hands,” said Hanks of what Americans need to be doing in order to ensure that they are doing their part.


Hanks segued to the topic of the Wuhan virus and began discussing the parallels of what the characters in the movie go through and what the real world is dealing with right now during the pandemic, according to People.


“As the canaries in the coal mine for the COVID-19 experience, we are fine,” added Hanks of his and Wilson’s personal experience with the disease. “We had about 10 days of very uncomfortable symptoms. Not life-threatening, we’re happy to say.”


“We were isolated in order to keep an eye on ourselves because if our temperatures had spiked, if our lungs had filled, if any number of things had gone wrong with this, we would have needed expert medical care. We didn’t,” the actor continued.


“I guess we were model recoverers from COVID-19, but we were also isolated so that we would not give it to anybody else that we came in contact with, and since then have been doing the same isolating, social distancing that is being asked of the world so, we are fine,” he added.


Hanks sits on the board of Michelle Obama’s voter registration group, When We All Vote. And his hate for President Trump goes back years. In October 2016, the Forrest Gump star said America would never elect “a simplistic, self-involved gasbag” like Trump.

Anonymous ID: 5d03dc July 1, 2020, 10:42 a.m. No.9813720   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3834 >>3885

Official Resolution Calls for Democratic Party To Change Name Over Racist Past


Democrats who’ve spent the past month salivating as mobs attacked symbols of American history might want to think about the rocks heading for their own glass house.

As much as hypocrites like House Speaker Nancy Pelosi won’t face it, their own party’s legacy of “systemic racism” — the literal kind that includes brutal slavery and Jim Crow segregation — makes it a prime candidate for the kind of ahistorical purge they’re cheering on.

And a resolution Monday night by the Republican Party of Connecticut’s central committee is calling them on it.

The resolution came the same day that a Christopher Columbus statue in the Nutmeg State’s capital of Hartford was removed because, according to The Associated Press, critics portrayed him as a “as a symbol of white supremacy.”


But as the Connecticut GOP’s resolution made abundantly clear, as symbols of white supremacy go, Columbus had nothing on the American Democratic Party.

In a long and historically accurate recitation, the resolution noted that it was the Democratic Party that:


Was the driving force behind the Confederacy’s secession from the Union — to protect the institution of slavery;

Tried desperately to block the “Reconstruction Amendments” to the Constitution, which were written to ensure the slaves freed by the Civil War had full rights of citizenship;


Were behind the organized terror of the Ku Klux Klan in the Civil War’s aftermath and instituted the rigid segregation of the Jim Crow era.


Was opposed to the civil rights movement even into post-World War II America.


“If we are to hold Christopher Columbus accountable for over 500 years after the fact, it’s our duty and our moral obligation to hold the Democratic Party accountable,‘’ state Republican Party Chairman J.R. Romano said during a Zoom call Monday morning, according to the Hartford Courant.


Well, yes.

Anonymous ID: 5d03dc July 1, 2020, 10:44 a.m. No.9813738   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3776

Pandemic caused 18 pc rise in deaths in US: study


The coronavirus pandemic in the US claimed at least 122,000 more lives than would be expected in a normal year, for a rise of 18 percent, says a study released Wednesday.


But this is just a national average, and the excess death rate was particularly high in virus hot spots such as New York City, which buried three times more people than usual and up to seven times as many during the peak of the pandemic, according to a week by week study carried out at Yale University and published in the journal JAMA Internal Medicine.


In New York City, the expected deaths under a demographic model based on statistics from previous years would be 13,000 from March 1 through the end of May. But this time the number of deaths recorded was 38,170.


What is more, throughout the first phase of the pandemic in the US the official COVID-19 death toll was widely underestimated, the statistics in this study show.


The total number of extra deaths was far greater than that of fatalities officially blamed on the coronavirus. This is because many people who died were not tested for the virus, or because the way death certificates are filled out is not standardized in the US. So 22 percent of the above-normal deaths had no official link to the coronavirus.


States such as Texas and Arizona, which went relatively unscathed in the spring — but are now hit hard in a new virus surge — were the worst off by this measure. More than half of the excess deaths went unexplained, with no official link to the pandemic.


But this margin got smaller as more testing was carried out in the US.


“The gap between the official COVID-19 tally and the excess deaths has been shrinking over time and has nearly disappeared in some places, like New York City,” Daniel Weinberger, an associate professor of epidemiology at the Yale School of Public Health and first author of the study, told AFP.


“How reliably the official tolls capture the full burden of excess deaths still varies considerably between states,” he added.


The official COVID-19 death toll is relatively reliable in New York, Massachusetts or Minnesota, for instance, the study shows.


The study does not address the issue of deaths caused indirectly by the pandemic. These are people who died of other causes, such as a heart attack or stroke and refused to go to a hospital for fear of getting infected with the coronavirus.


Separate data show that these causes of death increased although Weinberger said he does not think they contributed a lot to the overall excess deaths.