Like those guys who threw tea into the harbor? Ask your mom where she'd be if people like that didn't fight tyranny?
No on all three. The Revelation is in the context of an apostate Harlot parading as married to Christ, all while persecuting the Bride who is married and faithful to His Testimony. The mark must be and is relative to this scenario, not to some political event.
Ezekiel shows God sending angels to mark the godly men on their foreheads crying for sin. The mark is not seen by humans, but sets them apart from the Destroyer.
The opposite of this Mark of God is the Mark of the Dragon. Same thing, a mark not seen by humans, but telling the Dragon they are fair game to deceive because they love not the Truth but have pleasure in unrighteousness.
It is a mark seen only by angels, good and evil, not by humans, and it is not applied by humans, but by angels sent from God.