Anonymous ID: a2e86b July 1, 2020, 9:54 a.m. No.9813194   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3207 >>3382

Five Common Threads Between China's Red Guard and Antifa


  1. Both have tried to erase the past.


Neither of these groups were/are peaceful. The Red Guard hounded thousands of people to commit suicide and just outright murdered thousands of others. Even the Chinese government today admits that anywhere from 1.5 million to 2 million people died as a result of Mao’s Red Guard rampage.


The Red Guards went through China to rid their country of “the Four Olds,” which were: “old customs, old culture, old habits, and old ideas.” Those are pretty broad categories, aren’t they? Mao’s young hoodlums went on a rampage destroying anything they thought was old. They burned, looted, smashed, or tore down thousands of priceless works of art from ancient Chinese culture.


The Red Guard wanted to rid China of its past — anything that “offended” them was a target. They even raided cemeteries and dug up corpses of ancient Chinese leaders! At the Ming Tombs they dragged out the remains of the Wanli Emperor and his empress (dead for about 400 years), denounced these corpses as enemies of the people, and burned them. At the cemetery of Confucius, the Red Guard dug up the remains of the Duke of Yansheng and hanged the corpse on a tree. Statues, tombs, shrines, monasteries, paintings, and priceless records from antiquity were destroyed by the Red Guard.


We have all seen protestors rant and rave either for getting rid of statues of Confederate soldiers or keeping them. There have also been calls for eliminating the names of cities, parks, or institutions that have anything to do dead people whose lives offend our sensibilities today (like George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, both slave owners). We have seen mobs “courageously” vandalize statues that cannot fight back. Some have even tried to dig up the bones of Confederate General Nathan Forrest!


(Never mind that Forrest resigned from the Ku Klux Klan and denounced them not long after its founding. Never mind that he later in life converted to Christianity, advocated for blacks to be admitted to law school in Tennessee. Never mind that in 1874 he told the governor of Tennessee that he would personally “exterminate” white people who promoted continued violence against blacks. No, we must dig up his bones to make ourselves “feel better” and change history I suppose. Except it changes no history at all.)


All of this attempt to remove history that is “offensive” is simply an attempt to erase history in much the same way the Red Guards tried in the 1960s. They, like the Red Guard, believe that only they have the correct view of history, and only they have the moral authority to erase anything that competes with their view of the past. By controlling the past, their goal will be to influence our thinking as a culture in the future. If America was illegitimate from its founding, then they have the right (so they think) to remake it in their image. If the “politically correct” mobs get their way, it will not end well for our country.


From 2017 but very relevant today. Only copypasta of one section since I’m phonefagging. Worth the read.