Anonymous ID: eabee6 July 1, 2020, 10:25 a.m. No.9813527   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Campaign finance crimes by Democrats? Who here thinks this is new? Anyone in D party laughs at this. "They all do it!" Dinesh D'Souza goes to prison for a $20k crime. Any D's go to prison for anything? No.

What is the point here Q?

That there no equal justice under law? We knew that years ago.

Is DOJ going to prosecute ActBlue or BLM or NAN? When? Or is this another "let it slide" crime spree in the hunt for the big fish? The big fish that never seem to get hooked, like Planned Parenthood organ traffickers and baby killers?

Help us out here A. Anybody that STILL supports D party is BEYOND REASON. No amount of gotcha evidence is going to change their minds. Rule of Law has to be upheld or this is all a joke. What is stopping ANY prosecutions for sedition, treason, using IRS against us, Obama scandals. These people literally get away with all crimes, all the time. I sincerely do NOT believe that ONLY after the election can anyone get indicted. What is DOJ afraid of? Is DOJ still corrupt? Is POTUS under threat? What gives? The election will drag on until the December Electoral College vote and you KNOW they are going to tamper with that, they are probably lining up all the blackmail and threats on Electors now. What kinds of terror attacks killing people will they use? What will China do? I say BTFO all the swampers with indictments now. NO MSM outlet is EVER going to change their bias. People

are too brainwashed and MSM and Big Tech is too powerful. Cancel culture means a pro-Trump twitter post gets you fired. What are you asking of anons when DOJ and FBI get paid well and pensions to catch and prosecute people? Where are the taxpayers being represented here? I'm all for

Trump 2020 but I don't see the value in not prosecuting people now.