I heard this last night on WTTW's Chicago Tonight. One reporter, Amanda Vinicky, early in the show, described a well known Progressive professor in Chicago Colleges system offering "Contact Tracing" courses, when her normal portfolio includes training for "Community Organizing". Well Amanda accidentally gave up the ghost on the whole scheme when she said, off hand:
"Do not be surprised in an unknown number calls you up and tells you that you've come in contact with a known carrier, THEN TELLS YOU WHAT YOU HAVE TO DO."
Coming from that school in Chicago politics that teaches everyone that "There Are No Coincidences In Chicago Politics. NONE.", why would she warn that for the coming second wave of Corona-lamma-lamma-ding-dong that we've been guaranteed, we would be getting that call? More than likely that you'd certainly be getting that call, when the caller is working off of a voter registration list during the last few weeks of October, after absentee window closure, to tell you that you now have to go into quarantine, immediately, for two weeks! That's why they need so many trained in this, for the last few weeks going into the election, for the national call centers they're obviously planning to federally finance in the near future.
The clip in question, and the segment starts at the 4:14 minute mark: