I have this mission now. It behooves me that not only would I be able to aid the Britanons in their endeavours better by having the capability if needed, but I find this personal need to make at least one shill cry for having decided to attack me. I figure nothing says demonstrate that their attempt to gain emotional response (effort at demoralization) has backfired mightily than carry forward the determination to learn how to bake. Imagine, a World where "Well now, if the boatfag can learn to bake then so can I! That cantankerous old sailor claiming an IQ level of almost doorknob can do it? Let's do this!" Now if anons would be so kind as to give an old war horse a bit of a prayer to ensure the Thursday class can be attended by Yours Truly without having some last minute weirdness get in the way I'd be ever so happy. Also a shill might get fired for providing the motivation to make sure I did it. (add sensible chuckle here)
According to the UN migration is a Human Right
Egads Man!, would you infect the radio with a 99.8% Survival Rate virus when it is spying on you? Just imagine the Decontamination Fee being increased when you have to turn in your fossil fuel burning Climate Killer for your Recycled Material Might As Well Have A Basket On A Bicycle Mobile Virtue Signaling Device? Geta would be incensed! Yep, snarky shout out, as Kardashian fades away so shall Greta like that bacon dude that was at, but forgot was not there, two school shootings