The craziest shit would be if Jr. actually was the one who posted that
Based on what I observed - Barr/Durham were supposed to drop the fucking hammer late fall/early winter 2019, but SOMETHING happened
Things got delayed and all DS assets have truly been deployed
Q team is playing a bit of a waiting game
Biding time
Post numbers do not link back to anything in any significant way anymore
The only Q proofs are zero deltas with POTUS tweets
Q is also regularly posting "greatest hits" and compiling old posts to reiterate themes and keep anons engaged
That's why Q seems to be behind the curve
They'll strike when the time is right, but cannot sacrifice sure footing to gain the death strike
Patience, anons
We will win
That's the problem with mostly amoral people like Trump (assuming he's the big decision maker)
They don't really understand immoral people
They think their opponents are like them when battles are lost - they'll admit defeat and live to fight another day
Immoral people will flip the board over, scattering the pieces to the ground, pull out a gun and kill everyone in the room
Alternative theory
Q team made it LOOK LIKE the DOJ was about to drop the hammer last fall/early winter to force the DS hand
DS stupidly complied and all assets have been deployed
All part of the plan to expose the depths of corruption/coordination before delivering the death blow ahead of the election, which won't give [them] enough time to recalibrate and [they] will lose nearly every election
Q doesn't really need us at this point because nothing can stop what is coming and enjoy the show and all that, but continues to try to keep up our engagement so that we don't become apathetic while waiting out The Storm
My only fear is that the DS has a Trump card of their own that they haven't unleashed yet that could end up doing way more damage than the weak ass COVID/BLM bullshit. I pray not.
It sounds like the devil is attacking you big time, anon
He was at me this morning and I've been a shit divisive mood most of the day