POTUS interviewed by Fox guy today. He said he believes covid will be gone real soon.
"At some point it's just going to disappear, I hope." At the 2 minute mark.
He knows. Wrays/Rays of light.
POTUS interviewed by Fox guy today. He said he believes covid will be gone real soon.
"At some point it's just going to disappear, I hope." At the 2 minute mark.
He knows. Wrays/Rays of light.
Lots of newfags that never bother to read ALL the old Q posts. Kind of like you.
This is about more than gathering facts and info.
Lurk for a couple years and you'll learn something. Otherwise you just get bogged down in the details and lose 40K perspective.
Do you have any idea how long it takes to get litigation going? No.
And then going after OSHA or any other govt. agency and involving them?
We can't even get all our news out to normies. And now you want to organize masses of WHO? to start filing lawsuits.
You kids need to grow up. Big talk never seems to translate into action.
Fine. SUE them. Hire some labs to do the scientific work of determining the answers to your stupid questions. Or do you expect others, read: govt., to do all this.
>Also, another deep thought on schools and universities. I don't like the clandestine rollout, but it seems to me that schools have basically become a free for all. Not only is the quality shit, but more importantly, the curriculum and campus life is not supportive of becoming an adult and a good person and citizen. It's some kind of panopticon lite of a chaperone for these retard kids.
Boy, does this say it. But POTUS is in the process of reconfiguring education too. There are about 1200 small, private universities around the country. All are in deep trouble - low endowments, lousy education, no money for research, all bad business models. The one I live near is on the way out. I just want to own their library!
>>>9819966 (You) Notable
Baker, here's a link to go with that. I was speaking off the cuff, but these remarks should have a citation.
I didn't see White Squall, but doesn't the captain's wife die too?
The ones that didn't abandon ship in time died.
How would that relate here?