Anonymous ID: b02047 July 1, 2020, 7:44 p.m. No.9820276   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0687

Trump Says US Coronavirus Will 'Just Disappear' And Vaccine Will Arrive 'Very Soon'


President Donald Trump first claimed COVID-19 will simply disappear on February 27 when he said, “One day, it’s like a miracle, it will disappear"

CNN said he's made 15 similar false claims since

Asked Wednesday if he still believes the disease will simply vanish, he replied, "I do. I do"


President Donald Trump was again accused of "magical thinking" by his critics when he falsely claimed Wednesday the COVID-19 pandemic resurging across the United States will magically "disappear."


Asked during a Fox News interview if he believes COVID-19 will still disappear, Trump replied, "I do. I do. Yeah sure. At some point. And I think we're going to have a vaccine very soon too."


He also said the U.S. is "headed back in a very strong fashion … And I think we're going to be very good with the coronavirus. I think that at some point that's going to sort of just disappear. I hope."


Trump made these claims on a day when 37 states reported spikes in new COVID-19 cases since last week. And, for the first time, confirmed cases in the U.S. exceeded 50,000 in a single day.


This new high caps a horrific four-day span starting Sunday where total new cases nationwide all exceeded 40,000. There were 41,000 cases Sunday, 45,000 cases Monday, 46,000 cases Tuesday and 50,000 cases Wednesday, according to Worldometer data.


The total for these four days alone exceeded 180,000 new cases. The week from June 28 to July 4 is on track to become the worst week in the pandemic in the United States. The U.S. has reported 2.78 million cases since the first case in January.


Jim Sciutto, Chief National Security Correspondent for CNN, blasted Trump's latest statement, saying magical thinking is "not a cure" or a strategy. He noted this isn't the first time Trump has said COVID-19 will simply disappear. Since February, Trump has said COVID-19 will "go away" at least 16 times, most recently on Wednesday, said CNN.

Anonymous ID: b02047 July 1, 2020, 7:54 p.m. No.9820378   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The War On Cash – COVID Edition Part II


The digital “toll”


It doesn’t require too dark an imagination to realize the gravity of the concerns over the digital yuan. China is a true pioneer when it comes surveillance, censorship and political oppression and the digital age has given an incredibly efficient and effective arsenal to the state. Adding money to that toolkit was a move that was planned for many years and it is abundantly clear how useful a tool it can be for any totalitarian regime. The ability to track citizens’ transactions, access their financial data, control and freeze the account of anyone that presents a potential threat, it all opens the door to the ultimate oppression: total control over private resources, over people’s livelihoods and their capacity to cover their basic needs.


But we don’t even have to wait for the first signs of abuse of the system. As part of the government’s COVID relief spending packages, digital vouchers were loaded to Chinese citizens’ smartphones to encourage them to spend in their local stores. According to Dr. Shirley Yu, visiting fellow at the London School of Economics: “Digital coupons allow the Chinese government to trace the usage of these coupons,” and they “allow the government to know which sector is most helped, who uses it and where money is actually spent”. Of course, if the government has access to data that allows them check if their policies were well transmitted and if the money was spent as they intended, they can also use that data to check and trace any transactions for any other purpose.


Xu Yuan, a senior researcher with Peking University’s Digital Finance Research Cen­tre, highlighted the regulatory benefits of making all cash flow in society traceable. “In theory, following the launch of the digital yuan, there will be no transaction that regulatory authorities will not be able to see – cash flows will be completely traceable,” Xu said in an interview. Of course, this thought is scary enough on its own, but it becomes infinitely more terrifying when those that control the system have a very long track record of abuse and blatant disregard for basic rights and liberties.


“It could never happen here”


That’s probably the most oft-repeated argument in our “civilized” Western democracies, right before some terrible governmental abuse of power takes place, or before some new restrictive law or overarching regulation gets passed that limits individual citizens’ rights. A lot of people thought that the PATRIOT Act could never get passed, that banking secrecy would always be respected, and that there’s no way we’d ever see a global economic shutdown by decree. By comparison, a digital fiat currency is not really that far-fetched. In fact, about 20 central banks apart from the PBOC are already actively working on it. As for the possibility of digital currencies and payments systems being enforced, most central bank officials and politicians in the West seem to be quite confident.


In a recent interview, Philadelphia Federal Reserve bank president Patrick Harker said a real-time digital payments option was “inevitable”, while the chief of the Bank for International Settlements also recognized that central banks will need to issue their own digital currencies soon. During the corona relief debates in the US, Democratic Senator Sherrod Brown, advocated for the stimulus payments to be distributed thought a digital dollar wallet. The so-called ‘FedAccount’ program, with the Federal Reserve responsible for overseeing it, would offer free bank accounts to receive money and make payments.

Anonymous ID: b02047 July 1, 2020, 8:05 p.m. No.9820505   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0742 >>0782 >>0824 >>0826 >>0838 >>0856 >>0882

Why you’re wearing a mask the pagan ritual of transformation


the pagan ritual of transformation


the pagan ritual of transformation Julian Huxley once wrote that the basic elements in cultural transmission and transformation are psychological. This is how we change. Since time immemorial, high rituals have been performed to transform reality.


Ritual is a spiritual psycho-drama of consciousness; a deliberate action taken to facilitate change; changes to the whole of the environment people exist in, starting with the mental landscape of the people themselves; “the place where our reality exists is first born in a dream.”


Artist Sharon Devlin once bluntly described the true purpose of ritual as being a:


“… method to alter one’s mind. It’s a sacred drama in which you are the audience as well as the participant. And the purpose of it is to activate parts of the mind that are not activated by everyday activity.”


Ritual facilitates the mechanics of change through specific mechanisms; a rhythm to sync to; to merge and flow with; a magnetic draw, drawing one on the path toward transmutation.


Rituals are vehicles driving home those ideas; the information, the data, the symbols which upon transmission create the language by which new society members communicate after they are initiated.


This new language imparts a new understanding through definitions that the ritual generates.


A ritual initiation introduces and inducts one into “the way”; a new way of life or world view; a program to guide beliefs and actions, enabling the initiate to become a full and true member of the new society.


Note that ritual isn’t always a conscious action. Not everyone partaking in a ritual is made explicitly aware that they are participants. And yet, still, new patterns of thoughts, of significance, are drummed in; conscious or not of the ritual in which the initiate is partaking.

the pagan ritual of transformation The three stages of an initiation ritual


An initiation ritual typically involves three stages.


Let’s see if any of this sounds familiar to you.


The first stage is isolation for purification.


In this stage, the initiate is separated from the mundane. Did you know that mundane literally means “of the world?”


The initiate is largely removed from the otherwise familiar persons, places and things that they’re used to in order to be “cleared” of them.


An initiate is forced to become detached and insulated, purged and “purified.”


An essential element of this separation from one’s typical environment is the suspension of the normal rules of living that one is used to; the normal way.


Most of the initiate’s senses will become commanded and regulated at this time. In other words, the majority of what the initiate sees, hears, smells, touches and tastes, is deliberately controlled.


We are living in a a WW satanic ritual

Anonymous ID: b02047 July 1, 2020, 8:10 p.m. No.9820569   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Danger We Face - An Extreme View


Subject: Former FEMA Planner interviewed. Must watch video. What is coming in 8 weeks.


 Please watch the 45-minute video with Celeste Solum. She worked as a planner for FEMA for many years, but she is a Christian. She still has connections with people inside our government and the military.


Basically she says there will be another lockdown in 8 weeks. There will be no food then. They will tell you to go to a major store like Walmart, Cisco, etc. Then you will be taken to FEMA camps to supposedly get food. There the people will be divided into 2 groups. Those that will be needed by the New World Order and those that won't. Those that aren't needed will be killed by Guillotines that are already installed at the FEMA camps by our military (see the article below). Get what food you can now.


The government has already done studies to see how many people will be like sheep and not fight back even if they have guns. They said that It is 90% of the population. Probably 3-6% will fight as they come to get your guns. Even those who have guns will be so sick from the viruses they are dropping on us that they won't be able to fight much.