I do believe that calling Graveyard 10 minutes ahead of schedule is a serious party foul.
Black Sabbath Matters
>Yeah because I couldnโt possibly just be a moderate trying to make sense of this shitshow.
But you could be a absolute complete nose drooling, mouth frothing, nigger licker.
Even with the rock solid plan in place, why the switch? Unless that's part of the plan.
Ain't multi-option plans awesome.
Thanks red
> low class epiteths embedded in 80 IQ ad hominems.
C'Mon man!
you're a solid 82. Don't denigrate yourself.
>Is it just me or are the fake suicide shills in here tonight?
Some turn real. It's early.
Ah, nice selection Monsieur.
>Why do anons keep responding to bread-sliders?
>If you failed to read the sign, it says,
>"Don't Feed the Trolls."
It's Graveyard, anonโฆ.kinda what we do here.
And now for something completely different
Your new to graveyard, aren't you?
Trust me brah
We been tellin you little shits to stock lead brass and gold/silver forever now.
Now that there's habbenings your bitchin aint no amo? Fuck boy, wake the fuck up. I got over 1500 rnds .223, 850 10mm 1500 9mm 5000 .22 500 357 sig and a case of 1 each 12 guage slugs 00 buck.