Anonymous ID: 3b84f9 April 10, 2018, 8:18 a.m. No.982524   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2554 >>2583 >>2852

Has anyone associated these Chinese cars drops with coal? The sulfur smell of the TT fire got me thinking about coal. I have a bunch experience with it. Nat Gas/propane don't have a sulfur smell but poor quality coal does. Not connected with TT but it put me on a tangent.


Chinese coal fucken blows. Dirty. Low quality. High sulfur. Not good for making quality metal. Who has great, clean coal? West Virginia. That's why Pittsburgh was such a massive steel city (think Steelers). WV is exporting coal to China. At the same time, a ton of shitty Chinese coal mined and delivered to WV is CHEAPER than local coal. Industries that burn coal in the area such as Power Plants and lime kilns will often buy both and blend them until the minimum quality is met.


Trump campaigned in coal country that he was going to bring coal jobs back. Obama and HRC laughed. Coal country responded with a shit ton of Trump Votes. I didn't realize what the end-goal of that is until now. Coal is the backbone of the steel industry. Good coal=good steel. Bridges, buildings, cars, energy production, and air quality all benefit from USA coal. Right now the coal industry is booming so much that it can't find enough workers to reopen coal mines, mostly because the coal country workers cannot pass drug tests (prescription pills). This ties into another big Trump talking point, opiods. This also ties into the massive strategic goal of making USA energy independent.


Food for thought.

