Anonymous ID: b65902 April 10, 2018, 8:15 a.m. No.982500   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2601 >>2739



Q - I'm a newfag, I have followed you since Nov. I've never posted on here, just lurked. I'm a single dad, a patriot who loves my country, and the people in it, no matter how mislead some may be. I admit, the video posted that "this will get Trump elected" literally brings this grown man to tears at times because I WANT to believe so bad these words are true. I want to believe everything you say and I want to follow blindly, but I can't. I can't help but wonder if this isn't a way to pacify patriots like myself. Patriots ready to die for this country so our children do not have to face the evil and the corruption that does plague our country that so many choose to ignore, or just do not care about. You tell me time after time to trust, yet honestly, I don't have a reason to trust, I just have hope. The only thing more powerful and more dangerous than fear is hope. With the BS raid yesterday, to me, this is over the top, this is the tipping point. To me, this is a Bundy Ranch type moment, but bigger. I understand there is a plan, and it must be followed. I also know many like me, who have been following, who have put our hope and faith in you and in POTUS, we can only do so for so long before we doubt. The old adage, fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me. I know for me, I am so very close to feeling like I have been fooled twice. I believe many others are too, but they don't speak of it. I voted for POTUS because I believed he has heart, more than anyone can see. For all the bad thrown at him, I know in my heart, he has his heart in the right place. I have seen the crumbs, and some I knew prior to you shining light on them, and many I have not, but almost everything here is open source, and can be found by any awake individual with the time, the effort, and the energy to do so. I am grateful for your work to wake up millions, and to shed light on things that may never be known to many, I don't want to discount your efforts and the job you have done, you have literally helped MILLIONS wake up to things they would otherwise never hear or see. For that, I am eternally grateful. I truly am! As for me, on a personal level, I am tired of seeing this man, our POTUS be a punching bag. I am tired of the corrupt FBI & DOJ, and the corrupt politicians that infect our nation. I am tired of the pedos getting away with everything, and tired of those with money having so much influence, where we the people have none. I am tired of seeing my brothers die in wars that don't need to be fought. I am tired of the encroaching police state we are living in. I am tired of seeing our constitution become toilet paper for liberal judges, who make laws from the bench. I am tired of children being victims, and tired of those little brats that need parents to do their job! I am tired of the hate, and of the battles we fight, just to get nowhere. I am tired of fake news. I am tired of fear mongering by all sides. Most of all, I am just tired of what our nation has become. I admit after all this time, I am losing my faith and my hope. My hope for our nation, and for the nation my daughter will grow up in. You have given many crumbs, and some have come to fruition, but they are also coded as to have multiple meanings, so the reader decides what to make of them. To me, the crumbs lack definitive proof that this is real, that you are real, and that without a doubt, what we are lead to believe here is true. If I use the standard, "beyond a reasonable doubt", for me, I do not have that, because so much is held in the eye and the mind of the reader, and if we are honest, there CAN be reasonable doubt. I hope you can understand that each day that goes by, I lose more faith and more hope that what you say, that "this plan", that any of this is real. I hope there is something, anything, that you can do, say, or give to let me know this is not the case. I know I am not alone in this. All I can do is beg for something more definitive, something more concrete, something more tangible that isn't open to interpretation, but is more definitive, to know this is real. I want to thank you, I want to thank POTUS, and all of your families, and all of the patriots and their families for what we have done and are doing here today. I want to thank all of the Anons, for their tireless efforts, and for their passion, and for their hope. It is good to know I am not alone. I believe a new day is coming, but I do not know what that day looks like. For me, it could go either way as this battle is far from won. May God himself bless you Q, bless POTUS, bless the Anons, and bless our nation and ALL of those in it, even those we disagree with. Keep up the good work, and thanks for giving me hope.