Do you think that Ray Chandler's novel, The Big Sleep was trying to tip us off to the whole sex trafficking, drugs and blackmail that was the core of the Hollywood film industry?
Do you think that Ray Chandler's novel, The Big Sleep was trying to tip us off to the whole sex trafficking, drugs and blackmail that was the core of the Hollywood film industry?
Dougie MacLean
The Gael
From the premiere performance of Dougie MacLean's composition "The Search" at Perthshire Amber - The Dougie MacLean Festival 2007. You may recognise this as the fiddle tune from the film The Last of the Mohicans. Composed by Dougie Macean and published by Limetree Arts and Music (MCPS & PRS UK)
Typical liberal. Complains but does nothing to fix the problem.
Say What? Five Ways Tumeric Can Prevent Hearing Loss!
6 Ways to Reduce Tinnitus or Ringing in The Ears
And then there is the best search engine for health issues…
And don't give any bullshit about technical jargon that you can't understand. WORK ON IT!!!
You have the whole Internet to teach you what you need to understand ANY medical research paper.
There are far more important changes in there than the term limit changes. The Russian people are saying a RESOUNDING NO to the Cabal's New World Order.
Read the amendments here in English:
All persons holding public office in the Russian Federation, heads of federal state agencies, shall not be allowed to hold citizenship of a foreign state or to have a residency permit or other document enabling its holder to permanently reside in a foreign country, as well as open and hold accounts (deposits), or keep money and valuables in foreign banks located outside of the Russian Federation.
Pursuant to the Law, decisions taken by supranational bodies in keeping with the provisions of the Russian Federation’s international treaties shall not be enforced in the Russian Federation if they contradict the Constitution of the Russian Federation.
If you want to watch this in the film, start watching at 1:04:30
No need for sound since it's a silent version from 1920.
Now can you see the Kayfabe?
All that time you thought you were watching an NFL football game
And all you were watching,was a movie
Last of the Mohicans
Last of the Mohicans???
What about Promontory Financial Group???
multiple meanings… I am certain that Q was pointing us to the venture investment forms that the industry calls The Last Of The Mohicans
But I think there are other threads than need digging too, like James Fenimore Cooper
"Last of the Mohicans" Author Was a Critic of Party Politics
“…in a democracy, the delusion that would elsewhere be poured into the ears of the prince is poured into those of the people.”
As hard as it is to believe, after the 2016 presidential campaign, attempts to bend, fold, spindle and mutilate public opinion have become more intense and partisan since the election. Attacks, accusations, misrepresentations, leaks, innuendo, “gotcha” questions, ad hominem attacks and more follow one another on a fast-moving merry-go-round of political abuse.
While many decry this overheated partisanship, few have analyzed the issue better than James Fenimore Cooper, in The American Democrat, an 1838 primer on Americans’ political responsibilities, written in reaction to the political excesses of his era.
America’s first great writer recognized that “in a democracy, the delusion that would elsewhere be poured into the ears of the prince is poured into those of the people.” But he also saw that citizens needed the vigilance to see through those delusions, to keep our democracy consistent with liberty: “The elector who gives his vote, on any grounds, party or personal, to an unworthy candidate, violates a sacred public duty, and is unfit to be a freeman.” As we wade through the muck that will build into the 2018 and 2020 elections, Cooper’s analysis rings true today:
“In a democracy, as a matter of course, every effort is made to seize upon and create public opinion, which is, substantially, securing power.”
“Failing of the means of obtaining power more honestly, the fraudulent and ambitious find a motive to mislead, and even to corrupt the common sentiment, to attain their ends. This is the greatest and most pervading danger of all large democracies…We see the effects of this baneful influence in the openness and audacity with which men avow improper motives and improper acts, trusting to find support in a popular feeling.”
“The people are peculiarly exposed to become the dupes of demagogues and political schemers, most of the crimes of democracies arising from the faults and designs of men of this character.”
“Party misleads the public mind.”
“Opinion can be so perverted as to cause the false to seem to be true; the enemy, a friend, and the friend, an enemy; the best interests of a nation to appear insignificant, and trifles of moment; in a word, the right the wrong and the wrong the right.”
“Party, by feeding the passions and exciting personal interests, overshadows truth, justice, patriotism and every other public virtue, completely reversing the order of a democracy by putting unworthy motives in the place of reason.”
“Party feeling…induces men to adopt in gross, the prejudices, notions and judgments of the particular faction to which they belong, often without examination, and generally without candor.”
Wear dark glasses, black hats or bandanas on your head and print one of these and stick it on your mask…