Most sentences are.
Here's another one as example:
Kiss my ass.
Two C/A, MKUltra, Satanic, FreeMasonery Alien Lizards from ChinoUSSR?
You need to read you Kissinger History Books, son! You've missed out - I say you've missed out on an education somewhere, boy.
Removing Staues to placate a bunch of people who think we're all going to die from a plague virus because ice caps are melting in the Amazon?
Roald Dahl couldn't dream up this shit. But then he was probably busy doing other things in that garden shed.
When it begins to look far too complicated, then the answer truly probably in the other direction.
Look with fully new eyes and think simple. The answer must be staring you in the face with stark simplicity.
Hold on a sec. That's probably the most interesting thing I've heard about Satan in 50 years.
Explains a Lot.
Glad you survived the trip. Cause when he's tripping he's as unintelligible as Brando and Hopper rehearsing their lines for Apocalpse Now.
When the whole world has been destroyed and all life on it ended - trees, humans, fish, reptiles, media assholes; - when it's all done, the next sound will be Dylan tuning his guitar - already the perfect lyrics waiting in his head to describe what he just saw.