He made reference to putting out fires and some fires that were present long before his election. I think that was the insinuation.
Speaks volumes. Lead attorney in the SDNY refuses to leave, is literally forcibly removed, and a few days later this comes out of that office. Barr taking no chances and getting rid of all loose ends that could purposely fuck up the case. The interesting thing is they did that at the very last minute which tells me that strung that attorney along to allow him and those who control him to think he was going to head it and strategize all based on that fact. Then at the midnight hour Barr pulled the rug out which has them now scrambling for a means to combat the issue.
Smart play if I am correct.
Remember how the DS works folks. Whenever a big issue like this happens you can always expect a false flag shooting to occur within about 24-48 hours to allow them to use it to dominate the news cycle and drown out the major issue they wish to hide. In this case you can be damn sure to expect one since she is someone with a huge level of knowledge about some very serious issues. So I would expect a very quick and likely very sloppy false flag, and very soon. I have been studying and looking into patterns for years now and they are never wrong, always are the same, always have the same precursors and always are delivered similar. Expect this one to be in a liberal city due to the short notice, likely gun related to allow that to be used by their mouth pieces, and expect children to be involved so they can confuse the search engines when people look for issues regarding children. I expect this to be within 24-48 hours and (if I had to wager a guess), Wisconsin continues to pop into my head when going through all the patterns in my mind. I hope I am wrong but they always follow the same script and the only difference is location, Wisconsin or Pennsylvania seem most likely.
It's really interesting you bring up Jacksonville anon, truly is. That was the very first city that popped into my head but I dismissed it because it didn't fit the patterns. But for some reason it randomly popped into my head when I was typing that out.
Well to be clear I don't "know" anything. I just have always been able to see patterns in my head on the fly and more often than not they turn out to be in play. It's all speculative though but I think logical based on historical analysis and their behaviors lately mixed with other criteria.