Anonymous ID: f95bb9 July 2, 2020, 12:11 p.m. No.9828542   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8616 >>8734

NSA Dissented From CIA Assessment of ‘Russian Bounties’ for Taliban Killings


It’s not the first time the NSA has dissented from its espionage brethren – for instance, its conclusions differed from that of the CIA and FBI on alleged Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election. Both had “high confidence” Kremlin-directed subterfuge had taken place, but the NSA wasn’t so sure.


The National Security Agency dissented from other US intelligence agencies about reports Russia’s GRU paid bounties to the Taliban for killing of US troops in Afghanistan, The Wall Street Journal has revealed.


In a shock ‘exclusive’ based entirely on the unverifiable allegations of nameless intelligence officials, the New York Times reported 26th June that not only was the Islamist group in receipt of monies for every American ‘scalp’ they secured, but Donald Trump had been apprised of the information and declined to act on or publicise it.


However, the White House has since struck back, stating the President was never specifically or personally briefed on the ‘intelligence’, and in any event the information was both unconfirmed and contested – a position seemingly vindicated by the Journal’s article.


While no specific reason is cited for the NSA’s dissent on the issue, the agency’s focus – eavesdropping on communications devices – may offer some clue as to why its conclusion differed from the human-intelligence driven CIA’s so radically. As the utterly discredited ‘Trump-Russia’ dossier compiled by ex-MI6 operative Christopher Steele so amply demonstrates, ‘HUMINT’ is often inherently highly unreliable, and the potential for human sources to relay gossip, rumour, hearsay or outright lies – particularly if they receive a financial reward for salacious information – huge.

Anonymous ID: f95bb9 July 2, 2020, 12:13 p.m. No.9828570   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8611 >>8642 >>8658

Fox News Doctor Calls Out Political Hype of Coronavirus Resurgence: “The politics of fear”


Dr. Mark Siegel went on a rant tonight calling out the “politics of fear” going on to hype a coronavirus resurgence.


The doctor joined Lou Dobbs on Fox Business to explain what’s REALLY going on in hospitals.

The hospitals are full because there are now patients allowed for elective surgeries. Also, the coronavirus patients upend the normal operations at a hospital because they have to be quarantined.


Dr. Siegel says that Dr. Fauci is using the “politics of fear” and his numbers are not accurate.


The man that Lou Dobbs referred to is Alex Berenson who posted an email from a senior executive at a Texas ER chain explaining what’s really going on in hospitals:

Anonymous ID: f95bb9 July 2, 2020, 12:16 p.m. No.9828622   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8639 >>8673

Why Did Ghislaine Maxwell Leave Safety of France for Arrest in US?


It’s the question which many asking right now: why did this former colleague of notorious sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein leave the relative safety of France, in effect, voluntarily allowing herself to be arrested in the United States? Once again, there is a lot more to this story than the mainstream media is letting on.


At a news conference on Thursday, acting US Attorney for the Southern District of New York, Audrey Strauss, charged with playing a role in the “sexual exploitation and abuse” of multiple underage girls by Jeffrey Epstein, according to a court filing.


Strauss also stated that Ghislaine Maxwell had “repeatedly lied” about her involvement in Epstein’s affairs, and that the truth was “almost unspeakable.” Indeed it was, most notably for Epstein himself, who mysterious committed suicide whilst under the watchful eye of the federal prison system.


Strauss added that British socialite Maxwell had “enticed young girls, got them to trust her, then delivered them into the trap that she and Epstein had set for them.”


She was arrested by the FBI Thursday at a remote property in Bradford, New Hampshire.


Maxwell, 58, and he daughter of newspaper tycoon Robert Maxwell, has denied any wrongdoing and dismisses the claims against as “absolute rubbish.”


The Ghislaine Maxwell indictment – charges include:


1) Conspiracy to entice minors to engage in illegal sex acts


2) Conspiracy to transport minors to engage in illegal sex acts


3) Transportation of a minor to engage in illegal sex acts


4) Perjury


— Techno Fog (@Techno_Fog) July 2, 2020


Why Did She Leave France?


Ever since Epstein’s untimely death in August last year, she has maintained a low public profile, effectively living ‘on the road’, jet-setting between properties in multiple countries in an effort to avoid the media and law enforcement.


The question remains why Maxwell would have suddenly handed herself over to US authorities now. The answer to that question may very well have something to do with her friend Prince Andrew, who has been in a six-month standoff with the FBI who have wanted to interview him over his relations with Epstein and to answer to victims’ accusations of under-age sexual abuse. Could Maxwell have been summoned by the powers that be in order to provide a buffer against any further overtures by authorities towards the British Royal Family?


At the moment, the press have renewed their campaign pressure on 60 year-old Prince Andrew to ‘stop making excuses’ and now tell the FBI everything he knows about Epstein and his former girlfriend and associate Ghislaine Maxwell.