why do you not do the research yourself?
if you are incapable of doing research yourself, go back to social media.
why do you not do the research yourself?
if you are incapable of doing research yourself, go back to social media.
No. When you come here, you lurk and learn. Then you learn that we ALL become more than superficial dilettantes. You can't be an expert on everything. But if there is something you are particularly interested in, learn THAT.
Share what you learn and you may find there are others that can add to your knowledge.
Grow up.
It really is good to have so many newfags on board. We need new blood (you know what I mean).
It's hard here. Oldfags can be like drill sergeants. I've had to toughen up in 2+ years in ways I never thought possible. That's what chans do to you.
We've all been too soft because of public ed in this country. That's what we're fighting.
In any case, last I heard, dam hadn't broken.
We can't believe anything chinese say, so, whatever. But they are getting torrential rains and that's is the biggest threat to them.
BTW, Xi is apparently working on second case of covid and covid affects the brain. He will soon be as nutso as his friend Biden. They got nukes too. Not good. Keep up the good work.
Here's a weird little side note on shifty:
Adam Schiff Knew About 'Russian Bounty' Intel Months Ago, Did Nothing
Thanks. I live in a NICE state.
Nice is the opposite of righteous. Opposite of common sense. It disallows mercy and justice.
People just don't get that.
I posted this earlier. You need to sauce it.
Time to start boning up on civics, anon.
Go to a library and get a (preferably very old) book on the election process and your particular state and city.
Then learn. Duh. Then run for office.
Meantime, get involved in local issues.
SPEAK the hell up about things.
You WILL be reviled and vilified and lose many friends. That's what it takes.