Anonymous ID: 5bc0e4 July 2, 2020, 2:55 p.m. No.9830486   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0497 >>0508


>Judge Rules Virginia Giuffre's Lawyers Must 'Destroy' Jeffrey Epstein Files


Not a lawfag, but seems like this could be overruled on appeal.


Also, a famous Q quote:

"We have it all."

Anonymous ID: 5bc0e4 July 2, 2020, 3:03 p.m. No.9830581   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0606 >>0670


Clip below is just an excerpt:


Maxwell's criminal activities began early in his career, culminating when the collapse of the Eastern Bloc set the stage for a feeding frenzy of fraud, deceit and theft of state assets. KGB and other Eastern Bloc intelligence agents—with whom Maxwell already had established contacts—moved into the business world following the breakup of the Soviet empire, and became the sharks that devoured the assets of state resources for their own ends. The underworld flourished, and Maxwell was there to help himself to a hefty 15 to 20 percent cut as he laundered their money through Bulgaria and Western banks. Soon, Maxwell had links to criminals who dealt in illegal arms, prostitution, money laundering, drugs, and contract killings—all of whom used Maxwell to launder their profits.


Probably the most audacious illegal business project with which Maxwell involved himself was Bulgaria's Neva network. The concept was simple: plunder Western technology through secret agents, produce the same technology in Eastern Bloc nations, particularly Bulgaria, then sell the goods to the Eastern markets. Maxwell set up the companies to carry out the work, then laundered the profits through his network of banks. At its inception, Maxwell did not envision that Neva would grow into one of the most powerful crime syndicates in the world, embracing the Russian mafia, the crime families of Bulgaria, as well as those in New York, Hong Kong and Japan. All the companies Maxwell formed eventually would come under one name—Multi-Group—which controlled a significant percentage of global profits from gas, telecommunications, oil, gambling, and money laundering.


In contrast to his criminal pursuits, Maxwell's life as a spy did not begin immediately. Following World War II, he dabbled in intelligence work at Berlin's Spandau Prison, where he interrogated captured Nazi leaders and gained a reputation as a skilled interviewer. He was good enough to be offered a position with British MI6 as a "super contact person." Maxwell did not accept the offer, however, and was soon classified by MI6 as a "Zionist—loyal only to Israel" and a person to be watched.


When asked to spy for Israel's Mossad, Israel's CIA, Maxwell eagerly accepted because of his great love for Israel—although the money he made in Israel was also to his liking. Following a visit to Israel Maxwell said that he had traveled everywhere in the world and Israel was the only place where he felt at home. In Israel he found the faith he thought he had lost. Viewing himself as a savior of Israel's ailing industries, he shrewdly bought ailing Israeli companies and turned them into successful enterprises. Some of the companies became covers for Mossad. Maxwell also used his many contacts in the Russian government to work tirelessly to enable Russian Jews to immigrate to Israel.


As Maxwell made his rounds from capital to capital, meeting world leaders and exchanging gossip with them, the Mossad used him as its eyes and ears. The spy agency saw him as someone who could pass through any door in any capital and learn secrets to which even the Mossad could not be privy. Maxwell also become a source of information for his intelligence contacts in the Eastern Bloc, including the KGB.


Robert Maxwell traveled the world and peddled Promis, software the Israelis stole from Inslaw, the American company that developed the program. Promis could track data on any target subject by querying and integrating information from innumerable electronic databases, without requiring reprogramming. The theft took place when the Mossad's Rafi Eitan traveled to the United States impersonating an assistant prosecutor in the Israeli Ministry of Justice in Tel Aviv and met with William Hamilton, the inventor of Promis, at Inslaw. After his meeting with Hamilton, Eitan immediately went to the Department of Justice, and, through serendipity, acquired a copy of Promis. Eiten then worked through former Mossad agent Ari Ben Menashe, who found Yahuda Ben-Hanan in California's Silicon Valley to construct a back door to the program. This enabled the Mossad to monitor Promis and obtain the information the program developed as it worked for all who used it—friend and foe alike.

Anonymous ID: 5bc0e4 July 2, 2020, 3:09 p.m. No.9830665   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Looks like he was mostly British Army during that period of time, 39-45:


"Authors Gordon and Dillon resurrect the life of Robert Maxwell, reconstructing this man who was born in 1923 to Jewish parents living in the obscure Polish village of Slatinske Doly. As a young man, he transformed himself into an English gentleman and World War II hero who was decorated by Field Marshal Montgomery himself with the Military Cross for bravery under fire. In Great Britain, Maxwell climbed to dizzying heights of power, wealth and prestige."


I have not read that book, but it's near the top of my to-read stack.

Anonymous ID: 5bc0e4 July 2, 2020, 3:18 p.m. No.9830779   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Don't forget all our past digs about Wexner. Remember, he GAVE Epstein the NYC townhouse.

More shenanigans than smell like MultiGroup/Mossad/Israel shit.