You're logically depending on the existence of an inherent schism in ontological reality itself.
Same old divisive 'dialectic' from Plotinus, to Hegel, to Marx, to Alinsky.
This psychology is one of an inner alienation of combating Ego/Destroyer and Creator/Producer.
Where the 'infinite' eternal spirit of Ego cannot tolerate the 'finite' mortal corporeal empirical Body.
For the seriously afflicted, this self-alienation, rather than be critiqued itself, is instead projected outward into the world where the subject then suddenly 'sees' great conflicts 'hidden' everywhere in the world.
Marx 'envisioned' his own alienated divided self as two great classes of other human beings, ego/capitalist, body/proletariat, at war with each other.
Evil cannot exist without the Good, but the Good can exist without Evil.