Q Team,
3 Xouts, does not equal justice for the dead!!!
There must be a reckoning, with the names of the children killed and/or so damaged they cannot function read out at executions.
Very interesting that Bezos sponsors a streaming series on Nazi hunters, my firm belief is that there will be a new team outside your jurisdiction that will go hunting, regardless of someone's position in government or society.
This will not be vigilantes, but those that understand justice must be public to set the example for future generations.
This has played too long, those that lost children will demand justice, which I don't see your team delivering in a way that will satisfy them.
Godspeed on the missions ahead !!
Remind Q+, David always asked Nathan what God recommended before going into battle, once he was told to hide themselves until he heard the rushing in the top of the mulberry trees. Then he would know the heavenly hosts went before them. May you be as wise as that chosen king and warrior.