You're making all the wrong connections.
Typical of newfags. You haven't been following along all this time. You're just picking out things you searched for on qmap and trying to make sense of them.
But you're missing the mark.
You're making all the wrong connections.
Typical of newfags. You haven't been following along all this time. You're just picking out things you searched for on qmap and trying to make sense of them.
But you're missing the mark.
shit you spastic. you newfags, especially chicks come here and think you're going to teach US.
go back to your lattes. using foul language and chan talk convinces NO ONE. morans bitches.
real anons do not respond in this manner.
we have more class.
you just gave yourself away.
This is a connect I never would have expected.
Tying all this pedo crap into hilldawg's state dept.
and benghazi.