Anonymous ID: c7bd18 July 2, 2020, 7:27 p.m. No.9834532   🗄️.is 🔗kun

'California Hospitals near the southern border are airlifting local coronavirus patients hundreds of miles away, flying them as far North as Sacramento and San Francisco because the local Covid wards are full—largely with green card holding Mexican nationals and Americans who live in Mexico. For the past six weeksi, ambulances have been picking up diseased Covid sufferers at the border and driving enoughof them to our hospitals for hospital systems across Imperial County, California to reach full capacity.On Monday, California Governor Gavin Newsom announced a multitude of draconian measures to combat this, including the forced closings of businesses in seven counties which together account for 72 percent of the state population, the promise of $2.5 Billion in Covid funds to counties that cooperatewith the suggestions he will make, and the release of 3,500 inmates who Newsom claims will be nonviolent, non-sex offenders.iiWith 3,500 prison bunks soon to be available, Newsom also announced “we will be stepping up our enforcement”iii of coronavirus measures, presumably focused on mask wearing, social distancing and churchgoing. “If local officials are unwilling to enforce and are being dismissive, we will condition thedistribution of those dollars. Again, 2.5 billion.”iv And he’s “rolled back” numerous coronavirus reopening measures statewide, including Imperial County’s stay-at-home order.vWhere was Governor Newsom 6 weeks ago? “Mexicali has the third highest number of confirmed COVID cases in Mexico, with its main hospitals at four-fifths capacity,” Reuters news wrote in late May. “Only a few miles beyond the border fence, Imperial County, California, is coping with the most COVID hospitalizations per capita in the state – well over twice the rate of the next highest county. Forthe past two weeks, Imperial County’s largest hospital has used helicopters to fly patients to other clinics, including … San Diego and Palm Springs, because its intensive care unit is full.

