Q, will I ever get my happy, fairy-tale ending?
Or no, I won't.
"Is the hope imprisoned within a jar full of evils to be considered a benefit for humanity, or a further curse?"
Q, will I ever get my happy, fairy-tale ending?
Or no, I won't.
"Is the hope imprisoned within a jar full of evils to be considered a benefit for humanity, or a further curse?"
I have waited.
I have prayed.
I have believed.
But really, has it all been a waste?
Is this one life that we are given truly that vain?
Q: you exist to help all of us faithless and hopeless believe that Humanity is inherently good and worth saving…
Why? How?
Am I just too jaded and cynical? Or have I just become too closed-off and hardened to the false and empty promises that we are encouraged to put all of our faith in while growing up, only to realize that the American Dream was always a lie?
The American Dream doesn't exist and it has never existed.
The American Dream is "hope"… the "deceptive expectation" that was left behind in Pandora's box!
You were completely right when you said that Disney was a distraction.
To think that a Disney prince could ever rescue me is the cruelest joke played on me.
This whole world is a cruel joke and I am the butt of that joke.
You think turning me into the villain will keep me down?
I will take this as far as I can take it.
And everyone will have to suffer because of it.
And you are the only to blame for it, Q!
I didn't ask for this.
I will give it back to you all tenfold.
Just wait until you find out that all of the labels therapists diagnose you with mean nothing!
Nothing is sacred once you sell your soul!
Do you think I care about all of the evil that has been perpetrated on this rock?
I used to care…
But once you realize that even those who you put all your faith and trust into are frauds…
You really just have to sell your soul in order to save yourself.
Q can continue posting his heartwarming, viral positive sentimental social media posts.
But what's the point when everyone is just an actor in trying to sell this heartwarming, positive movie when there is still so much ugliness and inequality in this world?
So why is communism/socialism considered so bad?
Because it equalizes everyone, rather than having a perpetual system of people being in servitude to those who are better and more abled?
Because admitting to that… you'd have to admit that nobody is born equal.
Wonder why none of the celebs who are all benefiting off of nepotism and connections have gone down?
Dem or Rep, the whole system exists to keep the sheep in check.