Reference KANSAS if it is taken literally. Fun facts for those who aren't aware of these things. Can't be specific, BUT:
Ft. Leavenworth: War college, TRADOC and Disciplinary Barracks. Important why? Foreign officer "training." Leadership learning to wage conventional and unconventional wars. Doctrine created to justify it done side by side. DB is an unacknowledged maximum security facility to hold special people, like perhaps former / rough operators that are too dangerous to house with normal soldiers. Former NIKE sites that have been "destroyed."
Fort Riley: 1st ID - every military organization has some form presence there. All other branches train there. Largest railroad mobilization capability in the country. Lots of "hiding" places on this post.
McConnell AFB: Air refueling and Recon Wing stationed there along side an Air mobility wing. Unacknowledged "link" to Boeing facility in Wichita and several "hiding" places on this post.
Special place somewhere in the northern part of the state. May or may not be connected to Leavenworth, which may or may not be connected to Riley.
Add all of those things together and what do you have? A one stop shop in the middle of the country with a special place to hold it all down if need be. Throw in state wide constitutional carry, a well written castle doctrine to shoot in defense of life and property and with recent constitutional restoring bills likely to pass.