Which means that Harry is comped.
It's about time the UK became a republic and I used to like the Queen (not Prince Edward, the Monarch).
It wouldn't surprise me at all if Obama had bored someone to death.
Double triple fannytastic.
Some good news.
Maybe Kimmel can tell us which one is the top?
It's OK, go to a meeting anon.
Nice work. I like how you've solved your keyboard problem McGyveranon.
They were tied up in the Mueller investigation, now they are tied up in the Trump (Epstein) investigation?
They are stupid
Love that.
The way water is presented in photos and in media interviews seems to be conveying a message each time.
No sir, Nostradamus has not been accurate, not one little bit.
Possibly Q meant who, as in all the people in the room standing next to Pence and POTUS?
Witness protection?
https:// www.justice.gov/opa/pr/acting-assistant-attorney-general-john-p-cronan-delivers-remarks-international-drug
The boot with the tracker?
https:// www.justice.gov/opa/pr/tax-crime-does-not-pay
Boldfag, no. Use ordinary font please.