>>9838911 DOW, NASDAQ, and S&P will be held together for the next 4 months, one way or another. The ESF is an extremely powerful tool, as is the FED if you control it. And the President does indeed control it now. The election is the all important marker, short range. The ensuing segue into whatever the new system is, will emerge according to the overall picture. But first, the WH & Congress must be secured.
>>9839019 Those staffers can cry me a river. Anyone who willingly worked for that failed commie animal in the first place, has been a big part of the problem. Now hand wringing about how things are. What the hell did they expect, when they signed on with the beast?
>>9839087 NFL & NBA=openly seditious & ludicrous speed idiocy. May both leagues go tits up, pronto, and be replaced by something much better.