Clan Maxwell family history
Etymological evidence seems to point to Herbert's forebears being of Norman or at least Anglo-Norman stock.
Around 1581 the Cla/family became devout catholic at a time when most of his church were very discreet in their devotions. His untimely adherence to the popish cause lead him to travel to the Low Countries and thence on to Spain where great preparations were being made for the Armada. On his return to Scotland, he roused his loyal followers around his new banner which now incorporated the double headed imperial eagle of the Holy Roman Empire
Fresh clan society news
The Clan Maxwell Society is happy to announce that the IRS has made a favorable decision in determining our organization’s tax-exempt status. Therefore, effective October 12, 2018, the Clan Maxwell Society is officially listed as a Public Charity under Internal Revenue Code (IRC) 501 (C) (3). This status provides that donors can deduct allowable contributions and tax deductible bequests, devises, transfers, and gifts.
In other words, members will now be allowed to deduct on their personal tax filings, donations to the Clan Maxwell Society such as monetary gifts and unreimbursed expenses, as well as travel and lodging for conveners. However, annual membership dues are NOT deductible, since they directly cover our operating expenses – printing, mailing, etc.