Diggs on Mitten and "Cole"?
Let's see how many sheriffs and police chiefs have the balls to start citing and arresting Texans come mid-July for not wearing masks. Or on any crowded beach anywhere this summer. Like Q's been saying, the American People have to actually SEE what the future holds if the Dems ever win the WH and Congress again.
A 5 sec delta btw our posts, anon. Not bad at all. Kek.
They can't touch POTUS while refusing to public the Lolita Express List.
There's always been something 'a little off' with Stone, IMO. He was inner circle with that ratfuk Nixon and Poppy's Dealey Plaza WH Plumbers.
"CNN's Chris Cuomo: Let's Not Get Caught Up In The Intrigue Of Who Jeffrey Epstein's Friends Are"
Kek. Based memage. Caption? lol…