here are the bullet points
-hominid was evolving on earth
-bad aliens showed up, and fucked with our genetics to be gold mining slaves
-some aliens broke ranks and gave us "free will and knowledge" (think the serpent, eve, tree of knowledge)
-bad aliens then sought to enslave man mentally/monetarily instead and literally feed off the negative life force of man created by this oppression.
-good aliens showed up at some point, but they tend to not fuck with such primitive civilizations as ours but…
-they started an effort to undermine the bad aliens cause they've been at war across the galaxy for eons
-the fate of man has been decided by the losses and gains of this war of dark/light since our creation
-dark ages, renaissance, plagues, genocide, war, famine, prosperity etc, all a result of who is currently winning the war.
congratulations, you are nothing moar than an artificially created pawn in an everlasting battle of good vs evil.
choose your path wisely.