Anonymous ID: 8ced39 July 3, 2020, 11:55 a.m. No.9841984   🗄️.is 🔗kun



The action is not well founded, scientifically, because no one can demonstrate that wearing a mask accomplished anything claimed for it. Rather, wearing a mask for protracted periods may harm the wearer’s health - becoming impregnated with pathogens, reducing blood oxygenation, and increasing CO2 levels. The measure is also legally disproportionate to the circumstances, in that it imposes a burden on the general population incommensurate with a condition that even the CDC has recognized to have an IFR of below 0.3%. The WHO has also now determined that those with asymptomatic cases of Covid are extremely unlikely to infect others.


In summary: it’s all utter bullshit.


Abbott and all the other power crazed politikos can go fuck themselves.


Most of the public heath bureaucrats in the country should be fired for incompetence or malicious intent.