Donìt you anons feel that something is wrong with Virginia Roberts? In the Netflix's documentary she declares that she met her actual husband in Thailand where Epstein sent her to learn massage techniques, got married and moved in Australia with him. There, she called Epstein and told him she wouldn't go back. He was angry and nothing else. So, Maxwell and Esptein groomed this girl for years, she was an important assets since she was a leverage to use with prince Andrew and, despite this, they let her off the hook so easily in a country that is full of DS fuckery? Also, at the end another aboused girl said that her symbol is the butterfly (MKultra shit)
I'm not saying she's not a victim but, they were like a family. She's the only one recounting of watching movies with Esptein. And they would let her go so easily? she was the only one going around with them at parties or clubs. I bet she knew what was going on in the tample.