>"In light of recent events"
The private elementary school I attended were the "Redskins" until a few years after I graduated. I was shocked that they changed their name to "Red Hawks" out of pressure from the PC movement. Especially, since funds were extremely limited and the changeover cost the school a considerable amount of money, including re-doing a tile mosaic floor near the entrance, which featured an adaptation of the "Redskin" logo. This all happened before the year 2000. Yet, I was always baffled by the fact that a professional sports team continued to use said logo for decades afterward. And I totally kekked my ass off when South Park aired the Redskins episode, highlighting the hypocrisy for all to see. Fucking unreal to think of how many smaller organizations, who don't really profit off anything, were strong-armed into changing their logos/mascots, but a billion dollar organization, whom makes millions off marketing of said logo, have continued to use the "Redskins" name and logo still to this day