Here I thought he was going to announce something important like the gold standard
but no, more fucking "monuments"
this better be code for something
holy shit
Here I thought he was going to announce something important like the gold standard
but no, more fucking "monuments"
this better be code for something
holy shit
this is fucking sad.
yeah what the fuck was that mess?
we had our sky event already, numnutz
Anonymous accuser says she'll testify that 'evil' Ghislaine Maxwell raped her '20-30 times' starting from when she was 14 and claims she was forced to abort Jeffrey Epstein's baby
The unnamed woman told Fox News that Ghislaine was a rapist who attacked her with Epstein dozens of times in the early 90s
The woman alleges that it resulted in her becoming pregnant when she was 16
She says that she had to get an abortion and that Ghislaine and Epstein then 'gang raped' her afterwards
The woman is not one of those involved in the indictment against Maxwell
She said she would be willing to testify in court that Maxwell 'is a rapist'
Maxwell is in custody in New Hampshire awaiting her first court appearance
well that escalated quickly
ok, what have they done with our President and First Lady?
BOTh of her fucking eyes areโฆ