There is moar going on here than we have been told, as usual. Ghislain M was arrested in the middle of nowhere in New Hampshire. at 338 E Washington Rd Bradford, NH 03221 to be precise. That's the address that was posted.
Something isn't right about this. I've been looking all over Google Earth at this address and no matter how middle of nowhere you go, there is no house like this at this address. You can't even go to street view to see the "Tucked away" rock at the entrance. I don't think it's there, or at best google is hiding it. Why would google hide Ghislaines house. I did find some other very inconsistencies.
Here is a link to E Washington street where google ends walking street dudes view as it approaches Ghislaines address up on the left. if you leave street view you will see that it will continue when you pass it.,-72.0173556,3a,90y,358.61h,82.97t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sIYfxO17b9hRpHOye2ycMSg!2e0!7i3328!8i1664
Google maps address and property lines courtesy of Redfin realtor
Google maps walking dude routes conveniently avoiding Ghislaines address.,-72.0209858,3807m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m12!1m6!3m5!1s0x0:0xff42374b93429b82!2sPizza+Chef+Inc!8m2!3d43.2688944!4d-71.957675!3m4!1s0x89e1f559744ee0f9:0xc243df90bea830d4!8m2!3d43.2688547!4d-71.9552913?hl=en-US
Here are google map directions to pizza chef location in picture from news cast. Pizza of course.,+Bradford,+NH+03221/Pizza+Chef+Inc,+107+E+Main+St,+Bradford,+NH+03221/@43.2235961,-72.0487909,12z/data=!4m13!4m12!1m5!1m1!1s0x89e18bc579ea7921:0x9bcaa3505298fbbe!2m2!1d-72.0119214!2d43.2024979!1m5!1m1!1s0x89e1f55bd40fcb29:0xff42374b93429b82!2m2!1d-71.957675!2d43.2688944?hl=en-US
Middle of nowhere news story the bearded guy at Pizza Chef. hat has three tuningforks.(Pic)
Also note ATM. Sugar River Bank . Looks like NEXVIUM's mark… The Mason lodge is near by at 89 Main street.
So here's the really strange part. look at the next picture from this website, Redfin again.
First, someone paying a million dollars isn't going to have a ski lift in their back yard.
second someone laying low isn't going to have a ski lift in their backyard.
Third, there are no real mountains on this property.
Make sure you look at all the photos of the house.
Last thing lets look at the description of the house ( There are TWO different ones by the way) :"From every room there are views of the Mt Sunapee foothills to the west."
"This is an outdoor lovers dream home. Just minutes to Mt Sunapee, Lake Sunapee, I-89. 90 mins from Boston"
First, not 90 minutes to Boston, maybe by helicopter or in the middle of the night.
Second, Minutes from Mt Sunapee and Lake Sunapee. That puts this 30 minutes further North that Washington rd. This don't add up at all. What else are they hiding?
Branded as “Tucked Away,” the property at which the arrest took place is hidden deep in the trees, behind “Private Property” signs and a black metal gate, making it impenetrable to unwanted cars—if not the swarms of black flies who feed on unwelcome guests.
“East Washington Road is spooky,” said Herrick. “It’s the kind of place where people could hide out in a bunker. It’s just real Hollywood backwoods stuff down there.”
Just want to add that New Hampshire is littered w/caves and tunnels. Lots with water. Who do we know that can drive a submarine? I think there is moar going on in NH than we know.
Also, BTW Pence was trying to go there once but was stopped. IJS!
Some Drone stuff: