My beloved American neighbors; and especially those who are my brothers and sisters in the Lord Jesus Christ,
Be thankful, be vigilant, be courageous!
Let the Lord of Armies be your strength, that you may stand ready for what lies quickly ahead.
Every heart among us that now senses the vital importance of this hour is being called to the crucible from which destinies are forged: both of the individual soul, and hence of the nation also. It is a high calling: to plunge through that hellish warfare of the inner heart, and to arise victorious in that heavenly resolve, a resolve which patiently endures all manner of hardship for the sake of many whose hearts and minds are not yet redeemed and restored to the same liberty. For this liberty is first a liberty of spirit: birthed from the continual labour of reckoning with its own demons, and expelling them by shining the light of truth into every recess of the inner heart.
The choice to engage in this eternal vigilance is at every hour laid before the eyes of every soul; and the tyranny of selfishness and hypocrisy within is what breeds the tyranny of distrust and disunity without.
Do not be mistaken: the father of lies perverts justice only to be met by its mightiest blow when it springs back against his utmost supression. And although this same invisible adversary seeks to suffocate from every soul the breath of life bestowed to each by Almighty God, it is truly he who shall writhe for breath at the end. Ler us not be dismayed, even though the great slanderer opens his mouth to undermine all hope in the power of faith. Let us rather be possessed of a faith that is anchored in the longsuffering love and steadfast mercy of God our Father - for that is a flame, hot and bright with the very source of all hope, that can never be quenched.
Yet we now, all of us - some of little faith and some perhaps of much - occupy this moment in time, wittingly or unwittingly, willingly or unwillingly, at the precipice between immense opportunity and unfathomable disaster: and you, my brethren, are called to march in this hour at the foremost column of the army of the God of all righteousness.
Yes, you are indeed being called - perhaps not all to a manner of warfare that is tangible, perhaps not many to such deeds as history shall record to be great, and likely only few to be known by name as mighty - but you are called, nonetheless, to shine forth God's light as the dawn, should you choose this day to honor His commission.
Therefore, awaken to righteousness!
For as the dove of Noah could not abandon the Ark until dry land began to appear, so also the mighty Spirit of God, by whose power we must overcome this great evil, can rest only very lightly upon the heart which shamefully keeps itself submerged in the waters of God's passing judgement. Therefore, let us not fear the true and pure light of God's new Day, which He has guarunteed to every righteous soul in the resurrection power of Jesus Christ.
There is no wicked principality or power, no ruler of darkness in the spiritual realm, either in heaven or on earth, that has not been stripped of all authority to be made subserviant to the Captain of the liberty of all men's souls: the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world, who takes away its sins, and remembers them no more.
Shall we go forth beneath His banner?
Where we go one, we go all.