Thanks ghosted bakerbee.
Thanks note taker.
Nice! Pretty sure I use some of your stuff in my backgrounds. Nice to have you back.
You dodged a coat hanger in your momma's belly didn't you?
Happy 4th of July to you too fren.
Oh Jesus, did you inject the pot again, or just sniff it? I'm very very concerned about you anon!
God damn the amount of cankles in that foto.
You have a better res of this one?
Ah I thought maybe that fiery Q on the background of my OC was yours. Thanks for the other ones though for sure! And that one!
This purple one? One of my favorites to date. I use the hell outta it!
Nice! It's so colourful!
Friggims hold a special place in my heart too.
Thanks note taker. Have a blessed night.
That's damn barely legal from first glance.
I think I injected the same pot.
S'ok anon just stay here and take the pot with us.
Ok I'm my wurld!
>Alexander McQueen was sexually abused by his sister's first husband.
Wow. Did. Not. Know. That.
Makes sense why our First Lady wore that dress.
Notable baker.
My pleasure baker. I need to pay better attention in the future too.
Maybe late, but better than never. The libtards are gonna be running around tomorrow on the poison box with their hair on fire over this executive order. Oooohhh muh over reach. Ooooh muh racist-dar.
And everyone caught on video over the last few weeks are surely shitting their pants knowing they could face ten years in prison for what they've done defacing and destroying our beautiful monuments. Fuck all of em and feed em fish.
You we're dropped repeatedly on your head after you fell outta your momma's snatch huh?
Dub dueces confirm. Send aflb straight into the sun! My only addendum is cuffing Cody to him also, please.
Digits confirm.
Wrong nigger! I'm definitely in a higher tax bracket than you. I don't need muh momma, nor her fuk'n basement.
Are you late for some scroll reading?
Hell yeah unsupervised baker! Get it. I'm sure there will be halp if you need it.
Don't be a faggot all your life.