Anonymous ID: d10543 July 4, 2020, 4:09 a.m. No.9852173   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2194 >>2244


moar than meet the eye here, likely high level deal/talk between pompeo, barr, potus and queen, israeli diplomats.

this prolly higher than the intel agency levels to protect the countries and potentially monarchies themselves.

knowing potus motivations, he likely will want the states to take action to prevent intel from engaging in Ops (such as epstein) that give them power of the states.

in other words reign in the DS who use intel to maintain power.


This is not just another take down, I assume we will see major intel restructuring so they cannot rule from the shadow [hidden enemy].

And yes Potus, etal. will want exposure to show how complicit politicians were (and how they were comped), but do not think the true picture will be painted (that which anon know already).

As Q said we all have the dirt on each other, Potus will leverage the situation basically requiring that intel and DS be handled or the nations/sovereigns get exposed.

Anonymous ID: d10543 July 4, 2020, 4:23 a.m. No.9852215   🗄️.is 🔗kun

U.S. seeks seizure of 4 Iranian tankers shipping gas to Venezuela


July 3 (UPI) – As the United States continues to increase pressure on two adversarial nations, a U.S. judge issued a warrant for the seizure of more than 1 million barrels of gasoline being shipped by four Iranian tankers to Venezuela.


U.S. District Judge James E. Boasberg signed the warrant Thursday after authorities filed a complaint the night before in the District of Columbia alleging nearly 1.2 million barrels of Persian gasoline on the Bella, the Bering, the Pandi and the Luna are subject to forfeiture as the sale of their cargo is intended to benefit sanctioned Iranian entities, specifically the elite Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps.

(continued w/link)

Anonymous ID: d10543 July 4, 2020, 4:27 a.m. No.9852225   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2252 >>2462 >>2492 >>2558 >>2580

i recall some anons speculating that this kind of stuff and (scolpamine) could be DS MKUltra chem agents.


U.S. Seizes 46 Pounds Of ‘date rape drugs’ From China


Last week, U.S. Customs and Border Protection in Louisville, Kentucky seized 46 pounds of what are commonly referred to as “date rape drugs” in a package originating from China.


The illicit package was destined for Los Angeles, California before CBP intercepted it, and it included two jugs containing 23.5 pounds of Gamma-Butyrolactone (GBL) and 22.9 pounds of 1,4-Butanediol, according to a CBP press release.


“These chemicals are very dangerous,” Thomas Mahn, Port Director, Louisville, said in a statement. “Our officers see shipments like this every night, and every night they stop these dangerous products from reaching its final destination. Our officers do an outstanding job of keeping us safe.”


The DEA classifies GBL as a List I chemical under the Controlled Substances Act, which means it’s regulated as an addictive narcotic.

Anonymous ID: d10543 July 4, 2020, 4:30 a.m. No.9852239   🗄️.is 🔗kun



god bless Gen Flynn.


>POTUS is changing what they were building for centuries.

>Anons understand most of this, but truth will never be revealed.

agree, multiple goals being accomplished, glad we have the 40k view on some of this!

Anonymous ID: d10543 July 4, 2020, 4:39 a.m. No.9852275   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Star Spangled STEEL played with guns…

anthem music at shooting range

Anonymous ID: d10543 July 4, 2020, 4:45 a.m. No.9852306   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The political theater of Kayleigh McEnany's scripted walk-offs


Kayleigh McEnany's press briefings don't just draw to a close. They tend to end with a flourish - a true walk-off moment.


It happened again at the White House on Monday. President Donald Trump's press secretary was speaking to reporters when one asked about his denial of reports that Russian operatives offered bounties to Taliban members who kill American troops in Afghanistan. But, a reporter noted, Trump had also claimed that he had never been briefed on the subject - so how could he be certain there were never any bounties?


McEnany was ready for this one.


Quickly flipping pages in her briefing binder, McEnany launched into an extended critique of the New York Times, which broke the Russia story last week. Reading from her notes, she rattled off a series of alleged errors published by the Times in its reporting about Russia over the past four years, including a claim that 17 intelligence agencies had agreed about Russian interference in the 2016 election. (Only four agencies had done so.)


Then she unleashed the uppercut punch: "It is inexcusable, the failed Russia reporting of the New York Times. And I think it's time that the New York Times, and also The Washington Post, hand back their Pulitzers."




And with that, McEnany snapped her binder shut and strode out of the briefing room, trailed by the unanswered shouts and murmurs of the White House press corps.


Such dramatic exits have become a signature of McEnany's brief tenure as press secretary. Since taking the job in April, the former Trump-friendly CNN pundit and spokeswoman for Trump's reelection campaign has often waited until the briefing's conclusion - that is, the moment when she determines the briefing is concluded - to unload on the assembled reporters.


The excoriation is typically punctuated by a binder slam and a determined stride away from the lectern, almost like the slugger who doesn't bother to watch the pitch he just swatted as it sails into the bleacher seats. The unspoken message seems to be: Take that, hacks!


McEnany, for example, concluded her briefing on June 1 by playing a White House-produced video of police embracing protesters, images that she said "have not been played all that often" in the news media.


And when she was asked in early May if she wanted to take back her assertion in a Fox Business Network interview in February that "we will not see diseases like the coronavirus come here," McEnany responded by rhetorically asking if news organizations would like to take back articles that had downplayed the threat. After rattling off several of them, she delivered her exit line: "I'll leave you with those questions and maybe you'll have some answers in a few days."


During another very special McEnany moment in May, the press secretary closed things out by narrating an illustrated PowerPoint presentation of five questions she said reporters should pose to Obama administration officials in support of Trump's claims of a conspiracy against him.


"If I write them out in a slide format - maybe we're visual learners and you guys will follow up with journalistic curiosity," she said sarcastically in introducing her lecture. Sounding like a teacher handing out an assignment, she concluded: "It's a long weekend. You guys have three days to follow up on those questions. And I certainly hope the next time I ask, some hands go up, because Obama's spokesperson should be asked those questions because President Trump's spokespeople certainly would be."


And . . . scene.


The would-be smackdowns seemed so orchestrated that all it lacked in stagecraft was the kind of musical punctuation that "CSI: Miami" used to punch up Detective Horatio Caine's bon mots before jumping to the opening credits and theme song, the Who's "Wont' Get Fooled Again."


As a practical matter, McEnany's abrupt exits have the advantage of foreclosing upon follow-up questions or comments. They give her, in effect, the last word. They're also in keeping with her boss's perpetual denunciations of the media as "fake news."


McEnany didn't respond to requests for comment.


Her mic-dropping moments are really designed for two audiences beyond the denizens of the briefing room: Trump himself and the universe of Trump-friendly websites, said Ryan Lizza, Politico's chief Washington correspondent and a CNN contributor. The websites, he said, turn her set pieces into share-worthy clips "for the MAGA-sphere" within minutes of her walkout.


Anonymous ID: d10543 July 4, 2020, 4:47 a.m. No.9852310   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2462 >>2492 >>2558

Study: 9 In 10 Antifa Protesters Still Living In Mom’s Basement

(thought this was just a joke)


A new study shows that over 90 percent of the anti-fascist protestors in Europe are still living in their mother’s basement.


Heat Street reports that the study found that 92 percent of the protesters at these anti-fascist rallies that are believed to have committed violence still live with their parents. Heat Street also notes the following findings from the study:


84% are male

72% are aged 18-29

90% are single

34% are unemployed


These “Antifa” protesters have been behind the violent protests that occurred on the day of President Donald Trump’s inauguration and the riots that occurred in U.C. Berkeley when Breitbart editor Milo Yiannopolous was scheduled to speak. In fact, it seems that the violence didn’t start until the “Antifa” thugs appeared, according to International Business Times.


Per IBT, the “Antifa” movement began during the rise of fascism in the 1930s and has been on the rise recently since they perceive Trump as a fascist. Anifa New York City organizers described themselves as as a combination of “radical left-wing and anarchist politics, revulsion at racists, sexists, homophobes, anti-Semites, and Islamophobes, with the international anti-fascist culture of taking the streets and physically confronting the brownshirts of white supremacy, whoever they may be.”


They also essentially excused violence by stating, “If Trump tries to register Muslims and engage in mass deportations, a petition is not going to stop it.”


The notion that Trump will attempt a Muslim registry is fake news, and Trump has backed away from his previous support for mass deportations. But given that these “Antifa” protesters likely live in their mothers’ basements, it’s no surprise that they resort to violence over engaging in basic facts.

Anonymous ID: d10543 July 4, 2020, 4:53 a.m. No.9852332   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2462 >>2492 >>2558

another (veiled) hit piece on qresearch re. boogaloo, trying to link pepe and memes


The Hubbub About ‘The Boogaloo’ Is the Worst Kind of Fake News


Meanwhile, let’s keep pretending Antifa doesn’t exist.


As self-described Marxists and anarchists rampage through American cities, threaten lives, destroy historic monuments, burn churches, and terrorize the public, the Department of Homeland Security’s crack analysts have emphasized the real threat: Hawaiian shirts and cartoon frogs.


Politico reports that the National Capital Region Threat Intelligence Consortium (NTIC), a DHS Fusion Center for Washington D.C. and the surrounding area, warned of the threat of “Violent adherents of the boogaloo” ideology, which the outlet headlined as “far-right extremists.”


That headline caused the Department of Homeland Security to object to Politico’s mischaracterization of its sharp intelligence assessment, tweeting out,


It is true that the bulletin does not refer to “adherents” as “far-right.” But this is only because the report attempts to construct an ideology essentially out of thin air, based entirely on a set of internet memes largely created by activist trolls. The DHS report warns that violent Boogaloo extremists frequently wear Hawaiian shirts and may display images of “Pepe the Frog,” an internet meme of a sad frog that became popular with some elements of the Right.

From Memes to “Menace”


The term “Boogaloo” refers to an online meme about the potential for a second American civil war. The term is derived from the 1984 break-dancing movie, “Breakin’ 2: Electric Boogaloo,” and the subsequent movie meme which appends the mocking term “electric boogaloo” to derivative or uninspired sequels. Boogaloo memes often take the form of hypothetical discussions about what one would do “when the boogaloo”—meaning when civil war—begins. Boogaloo memes are often sharply fantastical or couched in video game language, referring to “equipment drops” or “leveling up.”


It is of course possible, even likely, that some individuals participating in this internet subculture could attempt to actualize such fantasies. Law enforcement should be careful and take such threats seriously. But this is not the same as being a “movement,” let alone a coherent ideology.


For one thing, fear of a second civil war is no longer an extreme idea. A recent Rasmussen poll revealed substantial numbers of Americans, on both the Right and the Left, are concerned about the prospect of civil war with just over a third (34 percent) of those polled saying they believe such a national catastrophe is likely within the next five years.


Despite DHS’s tweet insisting that its Boogaloo bulletin was intended to be nonpartisan, the reality is that the report relies almost entirely on biased reporting which attempts to portray the Boogaloo internet phenomenon as an overarching and coherent far-right movement posing a dire threat.

Substandard Sources


A look at the sourcing of the Boogaloo bulletin shows that the document, like other of Homeland Security’s NTIC products, cannot withstand objective scrutiny.


One of the NTIC bulletin’s primary sources is the Tech Transparency Project, a project of the Campaign for Accountability (CfA), which is a left-leaning nonprofit that “almost exclusively targets” conservative politicians and organizations for opposition research and dubious ethics complaints. One of CfA’s board members, Nick Hayworth, has been described as “Obama’s Opposition Researcher” while other CfA leaders have ties to groups founded by long-time Democratic “dirty tricks hitman” David Brock.


Such sources can be useful in any intelligence product, but the NTIC’s inordinate dependency on it as a major source betrays an unprofessional standard within Homeland Security’s NTIC unit.


Not only does the Tech Transparency Project’s article directly link the “Boogaloo” to the far-right, but this purported intelligence source deliberately blames President Trump personally for the threat, saying that he “inspired” and “energized” the Boogaloo adherents with tweets about the lockdown.


Other substandard sources for the NTIC report include Buzzfeed—infamous for releasing the Steele Dossier disinformation package that kicked off the debunked Russian collusion narrative against the president—and Vox, another heavily politicized site known for its explainer on a non-existent bridge between Gaza and the West Bank.


Given NTIC’s choice of sourcing, it is hard to believe that the Boogaloo bulletin’s release was intended to do anything other than achieve the exact interpretation that Politico provided, despite DHS’ social media protest to the contrary.


Anonymous ID: d10543 July 4, 2020, 4:56 a.m. No.9852341   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2462 >>2492 >>2558

The leftists demand equality by promoting inequality

go JW and FW!


(Washington, DC) Judicial Watch announced today that it filed a civil rights lawsuit against DC Mayor Muriel Bowser and other officials for First Amendment violations over their refusal to allow Judicial Watch to paint the message “Because No One Is Above the Law!” on a DC street. (Judicial Watch. v. Muriel Bowser, et al. (No. 1:20-cv-01789)).


On June 5, 2020, after days of protests and riots in Washington, DC, led by the Black Lives Matter organization, Mayor Bowser authorized the painting of “Black Lives Matter” on 16th Street NW, and later authorized or allowed “Defund the Police” to be painted alongside it.


On June 10, 2020, Judicial Watch sent a letter requesting permission to paint “Because No One is Above the Law!” in the identical size and coloring of the “Black Lives Matter” painting on another DC street near its headquarters near Capitol Hill. Judicial Watch offered to pay for the cost of the painting and, citing the timely nature of the issue, asked for a response in three days.


Instead, after three weeks of emails with the Mayor’s office, Judicial Watch has yet to receive a substantive response to its street painting request.


The lawsuit alleges that DC officials denied timely, equal access to Judicial Watch to paint its own expressive message and violated federal civil rights law in:


(a) allowing District streets to be used for the painting of expressive messages, which constitutes protected, First Amendment activity, but denying Plaintiff (Judicial Watch) the timely opportunity to paint its expressive message on a District street for reasons that are not narrowly drawn to achieve a compelling government interest; (b) failing to provide a reasonable basis for denying Plaintiff the timely opportunity to paint is expressive message on a District street; (c) favoring the expressive messages painted on 16th Street NW and/or creating the appearance of endorsing those messages to the exclusion of Plaintiff’s message on a related subject matter; and/or (d) failing to provide reasonable, non-arbitrary processes and procedures for timely consideration of Plaintiff’s request to paint an expressive message on District streets.


“Mayor Bowser gave us the runaround rather than access, as the First Amendment requires, to a DC street to paint our timely message and motto: Because No One is Above the Law!” stated Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “Our message is especially relevant today because it applies equally to law enforcement and public officials as well as to protesters, looters, and rioters.”


On Tuesday, June 30, in response New York Mayor de Blasio’s announcement that “Black Lives Matter” is to be painted on prominent streets in all five boroughs, Judicial Watch formally asked the mayor for permission to paint “Because No One Is Above the Law” on a street, preferably Fifth Avenue between 81st and 83rd Streets.



Anonymous ID: d10543 July 4, 2020, 5:03 a.m. No.9852363   🗄️.is 🔗kun


well said, i trust god to help decide what my impact/contribution is and what i am exposed to.

knowing evil for the sake of knowing is not what i want, if i am called to make an impact of some sort and knowing of evil help i can accept.

i guess humanity needs to understand eveil exists to prevent it, but not sure sick details do moar good, as it is all aboout bringing peace, no sense in having bad dreams.

Anonymous ID: d10543 July 4, 2020, 5:47 a.m. No.9852576   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2588


yeah me too, we had to be SHOWN exactly what we were losing via the stealth of the Hidden Enemy!

many knew but were powerless, however the Plan may have involved exposure enough to accept the potential that a great conspiracy existed.

Many questioned 9-11, jfk, knew of Globalism, NWO, etc. enough that when a leader emerged (potus) to guide us through the Great Awakening we sought truth facts and a counter to the gradual destruction we were facing.


I had met many frens over the years, Mil, Intel, and my dad was Mil then foreign service, and they seemed like a powerful, no fear group. I often asked if this NWO is going to destgroy us why is noone doing anything about it, you guy have the resources and knowledge, DO SOMETHING!


When Comey let HRC off I was with my Mil fren and said wtf???


He said they are all bought and paid for, but i also sensed from him that there was a PLAN.

Then within another related network nearer the election I was told that there was a group that would enure HRC was never elected, period.


I do think after the fact that many of this loosely?? aligned group, many were used and joined to make sure HRC won, thought DJT would get in and play along with the Mil Industrial game (many of whom were involved to go against HRC) The enemy of my enemy is my fren!!


Potus did not play the Mil Industrial game and they joined the retaliation, however I think the core of it all were playing chess, knew how to get DJT in and knew they would be upsetting many who counted on the swamp game continuing. WRONG.

Anonymous ID: d10543 July 4, 2020, 5:53 a.m. No.9852614   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2618


by plan,

the real candidate has to be able to distance from the current DEM chaos (be the solution) and not be called to answer for it, as in blame the white guy if any blame is to be had that is.