>>9852115 (2 B’s Back)
Lyons was in your post…
Check this^^
Tedd Wallace, former mayor of South ’’’Lyon’’’, met former U.S. Vice-President Joe Biden while grocery shopping in St. Croix, Virgin Islands, on March 6, 2019
Tourist dies rescuing Michigan mayor in tempestuous waves off Virgin Islands while on holiday to celebrate 50th anniversary of first kiss with his wife
March 8, 2015
Danish tourist Gvind Matson, 70, rushed to help him, got caught up
Innocent enough, the I find the Mayor had been “rescued” by a 70 yr old man then he dies in the waves. His name was as above. I closed my page and didn’t copy the link so I had to search again but the I found that the rescuer name was different in most other articles. Svend Hill-Madsen was this name not sure what business he own furniture or something like that. However the name Gvind Matson showed a shipping/navigation company out of Hawaii
The Mayor died September 11, 2019
A lot going on in this one anons