Anonymous ID: ad1601 July 4, 2020, 7:40 a.m. No.9853269   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Civil rights attorney Leo Tyrrell told "Hannity" Friday that a now-deleted tweet from the Democratic National Committee that tried to link Mount Rushmore with "white supremacy" made him "embarrassed to be a Democrat."

On Monday, the DNC's Twitter account @TheDemocrats posted the message: "Trump has disrespected Native communities time and again. He's attempted to limit their voting rights and blocked critical pandemic relief. Now he's holding a rally glorifying white supremacy at Mount Rushmore- a region once sacred to tribal communities."

"[Mount Rushmore] is a great place for the president to celebrate our nation's birthday," Terrell told "Hannity" guest host Jason Chaffetz ahead of Trump's address at the national monument.

"That tweet – I want people to hear this," Terrell went on. "The Democratic Party calling this a 'white supremacy' meeting is the race card at its highest level and that came from the Democratic Party."