Melania's fashion is always comms. Always.
Prometheus school of running away from things don't work so good.
Or, it's very good.
Yeah, their main problem is a low birthrate. Putin has been standing up to, and calling out, the satanic EU for years. Alone.
He finally found an ally in Trump.
That's where I'm at.
She is supposed to be dead in the same plane crash.
Yet there she is.
Hiding in plain sight?
If you think the invisible enemy is a program, you are asleep.
You are a blind fool.
I can't imagine the woman she was not being with her children.
She won't win any beauty contests, but if you have a woman who will run out with a pistol and watch your back as ANTIFA invades, that's a keeper.
No, because the man has proved his worth by the house they emerged from.
Deal with reality.
It's a huge time saver.
Mr. Whoopee's baller like that.
For a while now.
Most liberals are one mugging away from being conservatives.
It breaks their "all people are basically good" conditioning.
These are all genius. All of them.
Every time I see his name, "Think Mirror" pops up.
Mind blower for you.
Real alien invaders fake fake alien invasion.
They're already here.
They've been here for thousands of years.
They're friggin' shapeshifters.
Every single ancient culture has warned you about them.
Start paying attention.
No, he owned The Mirror in England.
I couldn't catch the crumb. Total, toe, totalitarian, something like that.
No, I'm not.
I'm going back to the 18th century American document that defined "natural born citizen" as the child of two citizens.
See the "s" at the end of citizens?
Since it is obvious to anyone who can think that a child born in the States to two citizens is a natural born citizen, they wanted to ensure that same child the same rights if his parents happened to be travelling overseas at the time of his birth.
Hussein was always illegitimate.
Thinking "family business".
To paraphrase an actual genius: "Einstein is an idiot and a fraud."
The red cross comes from the same place as the Rot Schild Rothschild name.
Constantine's vision in hoc signo vinces.
In this sign, conquer.
So he painted red crosses on his men's shields.
It's a good talent, especially here.
To be a fly on the wall when they march Ghislaine into Epstein's interrogation room…..
I'm getting too old; I was looking for markers to what part of Hawaii she was in, and if I'd been there before.
A literal holocaust.
Constantine was a pagan, so, yeah. He took pagan images.
Find it so odd she was married by a Nixon, and then got kicked off of the Watergate commission.
Hard pass.
Just look up tesla and einstein, beggar wrapped in robe