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THIS is a hit-piece about Trump Flag vs Palm Beach but I found these passages to be very interesting!
Trump's War With Palm Beach
There is no issue too petty in Palm Beach, and Trump’s combative early years set the stage for retaliation. For example, when Trump changed the coat of arms on Mar-a-Lago’s tower to add the name “Trump” he was brought before the members of the town’s Landmarks Preservation Commission. They advised him that he needed permission to do this, and they thought the use of his name was too tacky.
“I think it’s blatant advertising,” landmarks commissioner Wendy Victor said at the time.
Jane Day, the town’s landmark consultant, said, “Using the coat of arms to sell real estate in New York is a real problem.”
Trump’s response: “What am I gonna say, Jones?”
Four years ago, when Trump was pretending to run for president, and making his now-familiar broad statements about how America would change for the better once he brings China and the Middle East to its knees, I wrote another column he didn’t like.
He had just told a Republican group how oil prices would drop once a President Trump delivered the news to OPEC: “That price better get lower, and it better get lower fast.”
But if history is a guide, this may not be about the airport at all.
He may be just using it for leverage to get something else he wants, but at the moment, can’t have.
The thing with Trump is that he’s always at war, a man on a mission to get the next thing, whether it’s the biggest pole, the best social gathering of the season, orthe idea that the rest of America should be calling him “Mr. President.”
And woe be to those who get in his way.