Kek, you're no patriot you tranny leaf.
You think anons don't know this >>9857204 is you as well?
Shill spotted.
Imagine defending and subverting away from the Rothschilds and thinking you're redpilled.
What a tranny faggot you are.
The Rothschilds control MI6/GCHQ just the same as they control Mossad and before POTUS, they controlled the CIA/NSA/FBI.
The Rothschilds are the top, retard.
They don't even allow audits and their real net worth is around $500 trillion(go ahead and quote Snopes to debunk that too)
They've bought major news agencies over the course of 200+ years to control the narratives and were directly behind both World Wars and even fund ie control the Vatican.
You are clueless.
You act like those who say what they are at face value are really what they are.
>expecting a tranny to understand the evils of the world
That's fucking rich.
You couldn't even see through the Jewish/Marxist brainwashing to mutilating yourself and you think you've got it figured out, top fucking kek.
Says the retard tranny who has not only admitted to burning up multiple IP's to fuck the breads up but also admitted to being a shill.
You are the disease as well as rainman faggot.
>come up with something new
Your MKUltra tricks don't work on me, tranny.
That's a common tactic to obfuscate and shift blame.
You've admitted it, anons have the screenshots.
Anti Fungal Lead Bread.
You'll be off your meds later on and your wires will again short circuit so you'll be spamming loli pron to pollute the breads.
A fucking LEAF*