That's either a small assed adult or…
I guess I'm trying to imply it looks like a child's ass. Could be wrong. Not an ass expert.
Yeah. History is often subjective. I wasn't trying to make a case that Indians were better or justified. I just was trying to point out they weren't “backwards“
Different social views and societal goals than europeans, but organized enough to make war, have religion, domesticate animals (more of a plains Indian thing), and create structures. Europeans outclassed them technologically, but that's what happens when you pick up gunpowder from the Chinese and sailing tech from the moors. Neighbors that Indians didn't have.
Shills and their creative writing projects. Some of them are really good for a kek.
Ok, this needs to be stopped like yesterday.
This year has a bit more spectacle to it than last year's it seems. I like it.
Kellyanne's daughter hates Trump.
Kellyanne's husband hates Trump.
Anons think they got it bad with the fam when they don't like POTUS loving family members.
Imagine being kellyanne? Not only does your family bark in your ear, they take to social media and make bad press for POTUS. Poor woman.