Anonymous ID: fe8729 July 4, 2020, 4:39 p.m. No.9857929   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7946



Big Ugly Fat Fellow:


This is the non PC name:


The B-52 Bomber referred to as the

Big Ugly Fat Fucker


Jerry Coffin, Senior Software Engineer (2019-present)

Answered April 24, 2018 · Author has 1.4K answers and 4.4M answer views

First of all, at least when I was working on them, BUFF was normally understood to stand for “Big Ugly Flyin’ Fucker” (though the USAF claimed that it was supposed to be “Big Ugly Flying Fellow”).


Second, I’m reasonably certain that’s a backronym. That is, the “buff” really originated from the “B” and “F” of “B-Fifty two”. So, ignore the rest and treat it as just “B-F” and pronounce it. Then having already established that it’s a “Biff” or “buff”, you just need to pick out some words that fit the letters.


But yes, it is pretty darned big—159 feet long, 185 foot wing span, 185,000 pounds empty, maximum take-off weight of 488,000 pounds, maximum flying weight of 500,000 pounds. The tail is really smaller than it should be for the best aerodynamic control, but it’s still around the height of a five or six story building.


And I doubt anybody would argue much about it being ugly. Especially taking off, it’s about the most crufty looking thing ever. When a “normal” jet takes off, it rotates—that is, it goes down the runway picking up speed, then when it’s going fast enough, the pilot pulls back, the nose rises, and it climbs out with the nose pointing 30 degrees (or so) upward. In a normal take-off with a B-52, the nose is pointed about 15 degrees (or so) downward, so it looks like it’s plowing through the air. In case you’re wondering, yes, they did once try to get a B-52 to do a take-off that looked more “normal”. They instructed to pilot to push forward to hold it on the ground past the speed where it would normally take off. The intent was that he’d then pull back at higher speed, and it would climb out more impressively. What actually happened was that those long, flexible wings started to flap in the wind—so hard that the tip protection gear slammed through the wing, and that plane needed extensive repairs before flying again. So, don’t do that—better to live with it being ugly.


So in the end, yeah, backronym or not, the name fit pretty well.


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Anonymous ID: fe8729 July 4, 2020, 4:40 p.m. No.9857946   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7963



>countdown until the MSM uses that to talk about Trump


>BUFF was normally understood to stand for “Big Ugly Flyin’ Fucker” (though the USAF claimed that it was supposed to be “Big Ugly Flying Fellow”).