What is project looking glass?
From Q3585:
Project Looking Glass?
Going Forward in Order to Look Back.
Recently[Q4559 July 1st 2020] Q used a subquote from that post - "look back". ["How many Men and Women in uniform are currently serving on the frontlines abroad only to look back in horror to see the homeland on fire?"]
Maybe just coincidence but these are the only 2 times Q says "look back".
Anyways, what is Project Looking Glass? What does it have to do with hive mind and meme magic[I thought meme magic was just a meme but perhaps it's real]. Why does Q encourage prayer and unity?
Something like our intention influences reality. This is how the News was weaponized against us. When Q says a person is worth 3 things but leaves 3 blank, perhaps this is the third thing we're useful for, our creative energy. Strange how [they] have temples and allegedly sacrifice children -is it just ritual and group/cult bonding or are those people actually receiving real benefits from this stuff.
Anyways, this is a fascinating subject and I hope [pray] that soon light is shed on this topic and the underlying mechanism through which this works.