>>9859123 lb
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Anons, I found something awesome, proof that POTUS is on God's side.
For you to grasp the magnitude of the Mount Rushmore speech, you need a quick history lesson on the Pergamon: the seat of Satan.
See vid:
Pic 1: this is the original Pergamon, notice the hollow square, notice the pillars and roof? It's built up.
Pic 2: this is Obama's democratic convention stage in 2004, notice the similarity? He designed it himself. "Yes we can" said backyards sounds like "thank you Satan".
Pic 3: Trumps stage during the mount rushmore speech.
Pic 4: notice the crosses highlighted? Notice no structure stands? TRUMP DISMANTLED THE SEAT OF SATAN!!!!
It's a message to all of us, Trump has established that God has won.
It really is biblical, thank you Qanon.
Thank you POTUS.
Thank you Anons.
We're truly fortunate, we get to witness something amazing.