any black peo[ple here?
cos i wanna say to you, fuck you.
not b/c I/m racis, but b/c i don't like your atitude to the world.
any black peo[ple here?
cos i wanna say to you, fuck you.
not b/c I/m racis, but b/c i don't like your atitude to the world.
you all shoyuld've scream all the news.
mission finished
after 4 years, still using that shit?
shwe has more hair on pussy.
you like this?
you must be older than this planet.
da fuck is wrong w/ you?
You think?
seriously, you must have seriosly problems, tu find shit like this.
i wil not find this in 500 bil years.
you muwst a bit retarded
might be, but this is 8 chan.
Not even 8 chan.
That might be ok w/ some people.
But for me is disgusting..
Are you gay?
You like dicks?