"Snow white 7 Now Offline"
This (PB) Notable
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>>9858865 A rocket from small-satellite launch firm RocketLab failed to reach orbit minutes after a successful liftoff from New Zealand
brought to mind these Q Drops that mention "Snow white 7 Now Offline".
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See more "Snow White" Q drops at same suace.
Who is Snow White? On May 24th Richard Prosser said that the MSM around the world presents Jacinda Ardern (Prime Minister of New Zealand) as if she is Snow White. He also said that Ardern is more like the Evil Stepmother. Richard Prosser was commenting on the Coronavirus "plandemic".
Anon thinks its curious that Ardern was called "Snow White" less than a month before the 7 small (dwarf ?) satellites failed to make it to orbit and Q said "Snow white 7 Now Offline" in several drops. In Q 143, he/she said "…7 DWARFS from from Snow White…". Timing is important and the timing of the satellite fail is in the midst of coronavorus pandemic. Q's Snow White drops also mention Coronas being offline.